Chaptet Twelve:

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WARNING: This chapter contents material that is not suited for minors (any one under the age of eighteen (18). This peice is rated [R] for strong sexual situations.

Now that that issue has been pushed out of the way, I again say thank you bunches for the mass amounts of support. Seriously though, thanks guys.

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Time seemed to be lagging, suspended in the air above her. Deep breaths, she thought as she rolled onto her side.

So much for catching a break.

"Dammmmn it," She hissed between clenched teeth. Eyes squeezed tight as she struggled to breath.

Her skin felt tight, hot.

Rolling onto her stomach, Sadie buried her face in the pillows and screamed out her frustration.

Through the echo of her voice, Sadie heard a knock at the door. Then shuffling, followed by a click.

She refused to lift her head as a shudder rolled down her body, curling her toes as she brought her knees to her chest.

"This is why I told you to rest,"

Was he serious?

"Judddee," She grumbled into the pillow.

"It shouldn't be too much longer,"


"You locked me out, remember?"

Mustering a small amount of strength, Sadie turned her head to look at Jude, though she stayed tangled.

She watched as he covered the distance between bed and door. Transfixed, despite the pain she was in.


She blinked, rearing back some as she found herself eye to eye with Jude. He must have been talking to her.

"You spaced out," His hand found the slender curve of her throat, palm cupping her pulse.

Unaware of her actions as they happened, Sadie placed her hand over his, savoring the shock wave that road up her arm, spreading and soothing the aches.

Jude looked utterly dumbfounded.

His eyebrows were drawn tight over narrowed eyes, a small tick at the edge of that beautifully shaped mouth.

Her body relaxed as she gave herself over to the pleasant sensations. She couldn't have pried herself away from him had she thought to try.


What had started out as a friendly check in to ease some of the lasting tension, had quickly become an extremely stressfull situation.

Jude knelt there beside the bed, his arm out stretched, her pulse hammering against his palm. Her eyes were wide, her lips parted.

He wanted to touch that mouth with his own.

Groaning, Jude scolded himself and dropped his arm. As he turned toward the door, he heard Sadie shuffling around on the bed.

"Stop running away,"

Jude turned, caught off guard by her words, "I'm not - Sadie what the hell are you talking about?"

"I know you feel it, every time we are close," She looked up at him with curious eyes, "You also look like you are in a lot of pain. What's going on?"

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