Chapter Eleven:

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So I've been a busy bee lately. I have posted two new chapters of One Last Chance. I did a title change for Teagan, Amara and Andrian. Now know as A Twist of Fate. I did three new covers and am finally posting the long awaited chapter eleven.

I again thank everyone who stops by to read. The reads, the votes, the comments. Every little bit is pretty awesome.



Nicholas paced the room back and forth, his inner ramble endless as he struggled desperately to wrap his mind around everything.

This was a shit storm.

A cluster fuck.

Lifting an arm, he ran his fingers through his hair, shaking it out of place before scrubbing his hand down his face.

When had life become so complicated?

"Doesn't matter," He grumbled out loud to the empty room. And he was right, it didn't matter how.

It was more a question of what next?

As he glanced up at the clock, another curse left him. It had been hours since they'd arrived.

The minute they'd stepped through that door, Jude had taken his sister deep into the house. Gods only knew what was happening.

There was a good chance that she was gone. In the condition they had found her in, death seemed a very real option.

He was pulled from his thoughts as the bedroom door cracked open.

"She's gonna be alright," Jude gave Nicholas a small, knowing smile, "She's been well fed and is in the process of getting some much needed rest. Everything has evenes itseld out. When she wakes, well worry about getting her to eat. In the mean time, get some sleep,"

Nicholas could only blink as Jude stood there and undoubtfully reasures him that Sadie was alright, she was alive.

"Easier said than done,"

It seemed like only days had gone by since she had disappeared. Not years. The reality of his situation was just not registering.

"She's happy to see you,"

"She's unconscious and likely doesn't remember much,"

"She was awake for a minute, one hundred percent there. She knows you are here, she knows you found her and she's glad,"

Nicholas was dumbfounded. Giving a small nod, he lifted his eyes and studied the other vampire. For a momemt wondering if Sadie would be comfortable around either of them, hell even herself.

"I'll leave you be, get some rest Nick,"

Jude's words were soft as he turned and slipped through the doorway, the old wood creeking as he pulled it closed behind him.

Dropping onto the bed, he rolled his eyes toward the ceiling, not sure sleep would find him.


She had known the second Jude had stepped out of the room.

Beside the obvious shift of the bed as he climbed out, or the soft click of the door as he turned the knob.

But his scent faded.

That tingle down her spine had vanished.

She had also sensed a lot of unease. Jude had been on edge, a slight tremor in his hands.

Her head was still cloudy though, small gaps appearing here and there as the events leading up to the present moment played in her mind.

She was feeling much better than she had been and she knew why, but it hadn't had time to sink in.

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