Chapter Two:

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Alright guys, I would like to say thankyousofuckingmuch to everyone who has been reading, commenting and voting! All of you are making this so much more exciting. I am extremely happy with the progress of this story and I hope all of you are as well. I would like to say that Chapter Three is in the making and should be up soon. But I am in the process of packing my belongings because I finally got an apartment. Finally moving outta moms house! Fuck yeah! Needless to say, I will probably be without internet for a little while, atleast until we get the financial stuff worked out. Unless of course, I can borrow a neighbors internet. So please just bare with me while I get moved and settled in. And I am loving the comments and votes, so thank you again guys! Enjoy Chapter Two! Things are getting interesting!


Jude was momentarily struck stupid as the door swung open, revealing Sin. She was beautiful and good at playing pretend, well better than most. Aside from the obvious pain in her bright green eyes. Jude could feel a wave of emotions roll of her her; sadness, confusion and worry.

When she spoke, he felt his world tilt briefly on its, already unstable, axis. He was utterly baffled by the way she held herself, presented herself and spoke. Her voice was unwavering even though she was clearly unsure. How did someone so innocent end up in such a shady position? The business truly was an ugly one and his resolve was final as she took his hand and lead him into a very scarcely decorated room.

The confined space was more like a booth with a couch. The walls were a soft shade of grey, the fabric of the couch/bench a rich blue and the floor was a dark cherry wood.

As she clicked the door behind them, Jude suddenly felt claustrophobic, Gods she smelled heavenly.

"So what do you like?" She purred, dropping to her knees. When her hands reached for his fly, Jude choked on a gasp and quickly took her wrists into his hands, carefully pulling her back to her feet.

"Easy there," He whispered, releasing her wrists before taking a tentative step back, "I actually want to talk to you,"

He watched as she crossed her arms over her chest, eyes roaming the room as if she was suddenly very unsure of herself and the situation.

"If you want to talk, you can go back to the main area and pick up a date. I don't do talks," Her voice was rough, angry almost.

Jude shook his head and dropped onto the couch, "How does someone such as yourself end up in n place like this?" The question wasn't exactly directed toward her, but he was curious.

She frowned and uncrossed her arms, cocking her hip, "I told you, I don't do talks, so either we can get with the hot and sweaty or you can walk out. I don't have time to waste on men with cold feet,"

Jude looked up and pegged her with hungry eyes, "As tempting as your offer is, I don't pay for sex. I am here because I have a proposition for you. It is obvious that you don't belong here. Your eyes carry a world of hurt, you are wise beyond your years and too smart for this. I am here because I want to give you a way out," He stopped, leaned back and watched her, carefully gauging her reaction to his words before he continued, "It is entirely your choice. I am not going to push the issue, all I ask is that you consider my offer,"


Sin's mind went reeling, her stance defensive. She had not the slightest idea about how she was supposed to respond to the man before her. The tired, worn out part of her wanted to jump up and down to show her joy and accept his offer, whatever it may entitle. Unfortunately, the sane, more skeptical part of her told her to say no, to run.

Skepticism overriding eagerness caused Sin to scowl and point to the door, "Get the fuck out and don't come back,"

He looked up at her, shock shadowing his face as he gripped the cushioned edges of the bench and pulled himself upright, "If you still feel that way in two days, I will not waste your time again. But I ask that you take the next two days to consider my offer. Someone such as yourself does not deserve to be destroyed by something so ugly," He took a step forward, reaching past her for the door knob.

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