Chapter Five:

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I now present you with Chapter Five.

First off; Happy Christmas every one, I hope all was well and enjoyed. Second off; Two Chapters in three days. I impressed myself.

Now for the great news. You may be getting two chapters tonight. Five which you will begin reading shortly, and possibly six.

ThankyouThankyouThankyou Guys so much for the comments and the votes. It really does keep me going. You've no idea.

Now, everyone have a Happy Christmas and enjoy!


He rounded the corner, pulling into the nearest gas station. It had been a long drive, he was tired and dirty. Not to mention utterly restless. It had been two long, hard days that he had been at this.

Though, in retrospect, it had been seven years. Seven extremely long and grueling years.

Pushing open the car door, he dropped worn converse onto the concrete, lifting one leg to kick the door shut as he stepped out. Glancing from side to side, he stuffed his hands into his pockets and shuffled across the parking lot, head hung low as he shuffled into the shabby store.

Without looking up, Nickolas stopped in front of the check out counter, one hand slowly slipping from his pocket to drop a wade of bills onto the cluttered top, “Twenty on six,”

The man behind the check out eyed him from head to toe with a burning curiosity. It didn't come as much of a surprise, small towns like this one probably didn't see much beyond the regulars.

Certainly, they would notice a new comer.

Someone not their own.

Someone different.

“Sure thing,” The clerk grumbled, picking the money up before hesitantly tossing his gaze upward, “Where ya from, kid?” He raised an eyebrow in question.

Nickolas shrugged his shoulders with a soft grunt, “No one place,” The response was hushed, almost amused as he dipped his head down and turned, walking out into the early morning sun.

The world was bathed in a soft blue light. And it could have been a pretty site, had he cared to take the time to admire it, but he had other things to worry about.

Placing the gas pump back into its rusty cradle, he walked around and yanked open the driver door. With a scowl, he shoved himself behind the wheel once more. He was close. Really fucking close. He could feel it.

Peeling out of the parking lot, Nickolas hit a back road. If he was right, in which case he usually was, he wasn't far at all.

Her body was bouncing back and forth, her limbs jerking as if someone was shaking her. But why?

Groaning, she tried to pry her eyelids apart, but it just wasn't working. She was oddly calm even though she seemed to be in a sleep like state. Just what the good fuck?

Sadie. Come on Sadie.

That voice invaded her mind, like a soft whisper. But it was followed by more of the back and forth motions.

Son of a bitch. That was getting annoying.


This time that voice was a shout, causing her eyes to snap open as her breath escaped in a rush, “Jesus! What the -” Her words died as she looked up to find Jude mere inches from her face.

His hands were wrapped around her upper arms, his chest poised directly above hers as he leaned over from the side.

“What the hell is right,” He grumbled, quickly pulling himself from her fragile form, “Just what was going on in your head just now?”

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