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[In the Beginning]


Dean and Kennedy were asleep; since reconnecting with the brothers, she'd decided to join them on hunts. Sam paused and looked at them before leaving the room.


A car pulled up. Sam got in the passenger's side.

Ruby, who was driving, asked, "Ready?"

"Definitely," Sam replied.


Dean was dreaming. His face was terrified and he screamed. He and Kennedy woke to find Castiel sitting on his bed.

"Hello, Dean," Castiel greeted. "What were you dreaming about? Hello, Kennedy."

Dean frowned. "What, do you get your freak on by watching other people sleep? What do you want?"

"Listen to me. You have to stop it. She has to help."

"Stop what?" Dean asked.

"Help?" Kennedy repeated with a frown.

Castiel put two fingers to Dean's forehead and two to Kennedy's.


Dean was sleeping on a bench.

An officer tapped one of the bench legs. "Move it buddy -- you can't sleep here."

"Okay... sleep... where?" Dean asked.

"Anywhere but here."

Dean tried to make a call on his cell, but got no signal. "Perfect."

He got up and entered Jay Bird's Diner.

Kennedy was asleep on another bench and was awoken by a tapping. "Ma'am, you can't sleep here."

She huffed. "Whatever. Where?"

"Anywhere else but here."

She pulled out her phone and tried to call a number, but had no signal. "Oh, that's perfect. Officer! Know a good place where I can grab a bite to eat?"

The officer pointed to a diner and Kennedy entered Jay Bird's Diner.

She noticed Dean and asked quietly, "What the hell is going on?"

"Beats me. You all right?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Yeah. Just super confused."

"You're telling me."

Dean and Kennedy sat at the diner's counter, Dean next to a young man.

"Hey, where the hell are we?" Dean asked.

"Jay Bird's Diner," the young man replied.

"Yeah, thanks. I mean, uh... city and state."

"Lawrence, Kansas."

"Lawrence," Dean repeated.

"Hey, are you okay, buddy?"

"Yeah, tough night," Dean said.

"Hey, uh, two coffees here, Reg," the young man said.

"Okay, coming right up," Reg replied.

Reg nodded. "Sure thing, miss."

Dean pulled his cell from his coat pocket. "Can you tell me where I can get reception on this thing?"

The young man looked at the phone. "The USS Enterprise?"

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