Kindness amidst Mayhem

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"I have got a safe way for you to go back Al Firdous ....I talked some civillian's army member and they reminded me of  Jamshed Esber...he can help us he knows a secret way through Aleppo.. he asks us to meet at fazr time near street 45 ....though he was ex prisoner but he is a trustworthy man".

Listening to Mr Rahman,Emaan gulp hard while Khaled scrunched his eyebrows in confusion as he said,

" Mr Rahman no disrespect but you can't be serious about this ...I can never agree to this "

" But why Khaled....he good man "

" Mr Rahman how do you expect me to trust a ex prisoner when I have seen enough what their intentions are...especially when Dr Emaan is with me....I cannot let her go through connundrums she has gone before because of disgusted minded people...her safety is my responsibility ".

" But Khaled I know him ...he  not like that ...and he is not among prisoners who government release but he was a victim of government treachery himself .."

" But Mr Rahman are you really sure this is the only way ...what about civillian's army helping us to reach hospital?".

" I understand Khaled...but army member busy with protecting areas so they can't come ...but trust me Esber good man...but if you doubt I will try some other ways rest till it's time for us to go out and also give it thought about Esber...daughter you too rest...don't tension if no way I will take you two hospital".

" No Mr got Mrs Rahman and Abida and Adila at home's not good for you to travel so far to Al Firdous leaving them alone's not safe" Emaan said while Khaled nodded in agreement as he added,

" Dr Emaan is right Mr Rahman ...I will think about it till then if you can find some other way to go back to hospital then that would be great because I want to go back to Al Firdous as soon as possible but not on the cost of putting Dr Emaan 's life in danger".

Mr Rahman nodded his head while Emaan was confused and shocked at the words of Khaled but she was more bewildered by the way those words had effect on her .Not knowing what to do ,she stood up and walked out of the room with Adila on her tail.

Emaan felt frustrated with herself as since the time she had came from the drawing room ,her mind seemed like a whirlpool where only the words of Khaled kept rotating .She was angry that not only Khaled's actions but his words was having such a profound impact on her .And adding to this to her much frustration, memories of her past had not only clawed her gashes deeper but they also had enflamed a realisation in her mind .The realisation that the fear which had become a companion of her ,the sense of insecurity that breeded in her mind and heart when she was around men had not engulfed or invaded the territories of her mind and heart when she was with Khaled today but rather instead of invasion of fear there was pervasion of security and protectiveness that bloomed in her shivering self. She couldn't understand that why no skepticism and uncertainity invaded the realm of her heart when it came to trusting Khaled. She was baffled with myraid why's and what's her heart and mind kept on sprouting each passing second. And in these moments of perplexion and annoyance ,she recalled the words of her mother and thinking that this was a test and novel thoughts as devil's whispers ,she determined herself to shield her heart more ferociously by strengthening her love for her Rab fight the hate with love the way her mother had told her. But how beautiful it was that her way to strengthen her love for her Rab  was destined to be a way her Rab had planned to make her fall in love with one of HIS beloved abds. Resolved & determined to protect herself from any absurdities ,Emaan began with her dhikr as she lovingly stroked Adila's hairs and became lost in the graciousness of her Rab when Khaled knocked at the door with Abida sleeping in his arms.

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