Chapter 6

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Jack's POV

I squeeze through the crowd when Hiccup said that Elsa Winters is now exiting the ballroom.

"12 o'clock!"

Hiccup said.

"Excuse me! Coming through!", I said as I squeeze through the huge crowd that are busy dancing. The party has gone wild now, this ballroom is hella huge.

"You're near her, code white!"

Code white , I press the white button in the wrist watch I'm wearing. "This is Agent Frost requesting five backups at the ballroom's entrance asap!", I commanded.

"Oh no..we're losing her! 3 o'clock, black gown, net sleeves!"

I stumbled when I met a drunk Georgina. "What are you—"

"Jack!", Hiccup said on the other line. "Leave Ms. Snow ! Elsa is going out of the room!"

"Sorry Ms. Snow but I got to go, I'm chasing my girlfriend", I lied. From the distance, I saw a platinum-blonde hair tied in french braid.

The night I had sex flash my mind.

Is she?

I realized that I zoned out.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!", Georgina slurred. Her finger snapping in front of my face, her sleepy eyes angrily looking at me. I have no choice, I push her on the side and walk very fast. I need to get away from her.

"Shit... This is the first time your mind went blank!", Hiccup said in the other line. He knew it. The moment I go quiet, Hiccup knows that I remember something.

"That historian keeps getting on my shoe", I said gritting my teeth.

Georgina followed me, arguing not to turn my back away from her.

The doors opened, I ran for it.

When I got out, she's not there anymore. I look from left to right, Elsa Winters is nowhere to be found.

"Fuck!", I cursed. Stomping my foot on the ground, biting my lower lip. I ran my fingers through my hair, breathe in to calm myself down.

"We lost her"

"We always catch the enemy at first step of the way. This is the first time that we lose a big time criminal!", I angrily said.

"The backup are following her, calm down now. Ms. Georgina is following you! Head at the balcony now!", Hiccup hurriedly said.

I groaned.

This is Georgina's fault.

If she didn't quack in front of me I would have catch Elsa Winters a few minutes ago.

Opening the door, the cold breeze of the ocean welcomed my night. I felt relax. "This is Ms. Snow's fault", I said.

"Bruhhhhhh I didn't know a historian could be that noisy. Reminds me of Tooth", Hiccup chuckled.

"Yeah right", I harumphed. "I told her not to show her face to me but either way she did!"

"Woah calm your horses. Breathe in, don't let annoyance ruin your professionality", Hiccup reminded me.

I took a huge breath before exhaling, I should calm down. I don't want Ms. Georgina to interpret Mr. Derek Garnel as a very rude person.

"What did Derek Garnel said after North interviewed him?", I changed the topic.

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