Chapter 19

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I feel irritated.

I'm guilty to what I've done to her.

Even if I'm angry at her, I shouldn't have shoot her.

"Mate, it's alright", Bunnymund said.

They're all looking at me because there is no second that I don't huff. Elsa fell into the water, she might have drowned and die there. I couldn't find her body. I can't stop thinking about her. "Jack, don't tell us you fell in love with a criminal?", North asked me. Sandy looked at me with concerned in his eyes and so as Bunnymund.

"As much as I want to refuse, the answer is yes", I huffed. I ran my fingers through my hair, ruffling it frustratedly.

"How did that happen?", Sandy said making symbols using his hands. I can now understand him, our agency offers class for PWD. Big respect.

"I didn't know Elsa was in a disguise. She hid it very fair--", the private jet shook. "We're surrounded...", I said.

"Crikey! Hold on tight!", Bunnymund prepared himself as well as the others. The jet continued to shake.

I groaned, preparing myself. I knew who's doing this. We saw bunch of jet black helicopters surrounding us, their men are pointing guns at us. "Agent Frost, GMI. We are surrounded! I repeat we are surrounded! Send backups asap!", I ordered in the radio as I start to reload my gun. Unbuckling myself, North and I looked at each other and nod. We knew this was going to happen.

Their helicopters start to shoot as we fight back. "Reloading!", I yelled as I shoot back. Bunnymund shoot back as he duck down.

"They're so many!", North said as he shoot back.

I knelt down behind North, targeting the other aircraft. Two sank down to to the ocean, three and four. "We're winnin'!", Bunnymund said as he strike back to them. Unluckily, the last aircraft shoot our jet causing it to tilt in the right.

"Our pilot's down!", North yelled. "Brace yourselves!", he yelled again.

"One!", Bunnymund counts.

Sandy prepared himself for impact. I was about to jump when someone grabbed me from behind when the jet sank. "Jack!", Bunnymund called me as he tried to reach out but the last thing I can remember is got hit in the neck and everything went black.


I sneaked inside of the abandoned building. This is the spot where they kidnapped Jack's family, I'm certain. It was his plan. I shot the guards using a sniper that I snatched from the front guard of the abandoned building. I'm going to use my skills for good.

Quietly, I sneaked inside.

I pulled out knives from leg holster, I threw it at the three guards that stood in the third entrance.

A little move and I'm there.

I was about to enter the third layer of the lair when someone grabbed me from behind. "Hans", I said. I hugged him. "Glad I found you! Now help me! We need to help the Frost family!", I tried to persuade him. "It's not to late! You said--"

"Why the hell do I want to help Frost's family? Where's my little badass kitty?", Hans asked. It sounded dirty. The feelings that I have for him before faded. His character looks darker than before.

"Hans...", I said. "Are you still going to.."

"No", Hans smirked evily. "I'm sorry", he winked as he knocked me out.



Everything went black.

The Criminal's Lover [JELSA AU]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя