(13) Meeting you!

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Idea giver; Curious_Ana(I tried! :)) I added you're concept so enjoy!)

The young pixie threw it's broken flower crown on the floor, it's colors slowly fading into a dark version, its pedals fell as it died.

The pixie could feel tears pick the sides of his eyes. He put his arm up, whipping his tears away as he found a small opening in a hill. The pixie tilted it's head, what was this? He took a quick look around, before stepping inside. As he did, the cold floor hit him, almost freezing his feet. He jumped up, keeping his distance from the floor as he floated over it. The pixie hummed to himself, calming himself down with a trick he taught himself.

Finally, it seemed like ages, the pixie saw light peaking through the small cave. He exited, feeling light hit his face and warming him up almost instantly.

It must've been the weather or something, but the pixie just felt like he couldn't fly, nor walk. Maybe it was from the far trip he forced himself to take. Anything to get away from the place he once stayed.

The pixie's ears twitched as he heard a voice, louder and louder footsteps with it as well as it grew closer and closer.

"I'LL BE FINE! Trust me, and if I don't come back, just send Techno to come look for me!" The voice yelled. The pixie felt it's breath heavy, he began hyperventilate. He held his chest tightly, trying to calm himself down like he did once before. He just couldn't.

Yes the pixie knew that whatever the voice was coming from must've been a creature, being of some sort. But he had no idea of what exactly was out in these places, he always thought pixies, fairies, foxes, and ghosts were the only Mythical Creatures that lived here.

Suddenly, the pixie felt the loud voice stop, and he didn't dare but move.

It must've not worked, as he felt himself being lifted up by his shirt, being placed on his feet. "Hey, are you dead or something?" The voice..well creature said, holding the small pixie up by their shoulders. The pixie shook it's head, as he got a better look at him. Two fluffy ears, and a tail. Looked soft enough to sleep in.

"Alright, well if you aren't going to answer, I'm going to make-" "TOMMY!"

The creature, Wolf you could say was larger then most. The two's head turned as they saw someone walking towards them. "God, put the pixie down, the hell Tommy! Look at them, they look terrfied!" A antlered man yelled, the wolf off the pixie. "Hey! I wasn't going to hurt them!" Tommy snapped back.

"Jesus Tommy, can you not talk back right now!"

"I'm not talking back!"

"You just did!"

The two bigger creatures stared at each other, both obviously anger at the other.

The pixie took this as he forced himself up, slowly but surely, getting the enegry to get up, hovering slightly in the air. As he tried to fly off.

"Hey, don't go so soon! Besides, you seem hurt." The pixie heard one of them say. It was the antlered man, who put his head down. Motioning with his hands. "You can ride on my antlers if you'd like, I won't mind." The man said, the pixie hesitated, before grabbing a limb on the antler, settling down and letting his arm and legs swing. It's been awhile since he'd took time to rest.

"Now, Tommy you owe him something."

"Like what..?"

"Apologize, right now."

"What!? He's the on-"

"Ah! No talking back!"

It was quite silent after that. You could hear a small mumble.

"I'm sorry..forgive me?"

The pixie made eye contact with the wolf, nodding and smiling as he felt his eyelids become heavy, letting them fall as he drifted off in sleep, almost melting.


"Awh! I do remember that, and when Tommy couldn't let Tubbo go for a whole two days! Adorable!" Philza smiled, sitting down with the rest of the sleepy myths. "Not true! Tubbo's the clingy one! I was only protecting him!" Tommy snapped back, crossing his arms. "That proves him more!" Wilbur shouted, chuckling with Techno after. "I hate you guys." Tommy mumbled.

"We love you too!"


Word count; 710

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