(7) Who in the hell!?

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(This'll be a little different type of chapter! Slight angst?)

"Hey Wilbur! Teach me how to play the flute!" The wolf demanded, looking down at the faun. Faun's were normaller shorter then other creatures, though Wilbur was just build different.

"No, I won't. You'll probably get mad and break it Tommy." Wilbur sighed, looking over at the now angry boy. "Oh c'mon! You taught Phliza, EVEN TUBBO, AND HE CAN'T EVEN PLAY IT PROPERLY! Please?" The boy begged, the older man only grabbed his instrument, and walked towards were a shadow sitting on the ledge they, you could say 'lived at'.

"Phliza, get Tommy away from me." Wilbur called out, Phil turned his head, facing the two. Tommy now was trying to snatch the flute for himself. Not taking no for an answer. "Tommy, stop or I'm taking away you're roaming privileges." Phliza smiled sweetly. Though Tommy couldn't return it.

Only a middle finger as he stormed off. Wasn't very normal of him to do. He'd normally just accept defeat.

The two creatures gave each other a confused look, before continuing their conversation. The pixie and dragon arrived to join them a few minutes later.

(With Tommy);

"Can't do anything, they treat me like a child!" The boy complained to himself. Pulling his knees to his chest, before snapping of a twig caught him off guard. His ears twitched as he jumped up, coming face to face with..a fox?

"Hello!" The fox shouted, it's..tails? Swaying in the wind. "WHO THE-" Tommy fell to the floor, the fox staring at him with a soft smile. "Fundy! Fundy the nail tailed fox is the name! Don't wear it out!" 'Fundy' introduced himself. Putting his hand out. Tommy nodding and laughing nervously as he took his hand, pulling himself up off the floor.

"Oooh! Wait until you meet the other two! You'll love them! GUYS COME HERE!" The fox shouted, two more foot steps could be heard running up.

Tommy's eyes widened, two more creatures he'd never saw stood infront of him.

Phoenix,  and a Aqrabuamelu(Basically a scorpion hybrid with a human-)

"The names Eret! You are my friend?" The scorpion smiled, grabbing the boys hand as he shook it. Moving out the way for the other one. A Phoenix, with long blonde hair and orange wings, her hair had tiny flames as well as a long tail she had. Her name?

"Hi! Sorry we scared you, I'm Niki! What are you doing out here alone?" She asked, you could tell she was a sweet ,caring kind by just her voice. An angel she sounded like.

"Anyways, wanna come hang with us for awhile? We were gonna go visit the mushroom forest by the river!" Fundy asked, putting his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Sure." Tommy smiled, the four walking off. Not knowing of a being following them from behind.

The scale on the stranger's crown shined in the light, as it floated in the air.


"Hey! I found a red one!" Tommy shouted, holding the mushroom in his hand. Niki walking over towards him, taking the mushroom and placing it in a small basket. She pushed it into Eret's arms before she burned it. "That's enough, it was awesome to have you join us.. Tommy was it?" Fundy joinned the three, walking over and stopping by the side of Niki, and Eret. "Mhm! Thanks, I really needed this today." The boy answered, rubbing the back of his neck and smiling.

"Hey come h-"

The four were shocked as a huge creature landed infront of Tommy. Pink scalely wings..a flower crown..


"Who the fuck are you three!?" The dragon demanded, putting his arm out infront of the boy behind him. "Hey! Their okay! TECHNO STOP!" Tommy spoke up, running infront of him and putting his arms out. The three creatures stepped back as the dragon sighed, snatching Tommy by the arm and dragging him up into the air.

"IT WAS FUN, COME BACK AGAIN!" Eret yelled, mumbling something after as the three waved at the boy.


(Yes, will have a part two. (⌐■-■))

Word count: 687

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