(10) Put it on!

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"Cmon, just put it on!" Tubbo demanded, crossing his arms as he stared at Wilbur. A yellow flower crown in his hands. "No, it's just going to get lo-" "I SAID PUT IT ON!" Tubbo shouted, cutting Wilbur off. Echoing off the trees.

"Damn! You don't have to yell, I won't final answer!" The faun stood there, stubbornly.

Tubbo took a deep breath, before of course..;


"What?! He'll say the same thing! I'm not putting the..stupid flower crown on!" Wilbur said back, raising his arm in the air. About to throw the flower crown to the floor, when he felt his hand being held up.

"Wilbur." Phliza stood behind him, holding his wrist, taking the flower crown with his other hand. Snatching it as he handed it to Tubbo, who snickered to himself flying up, landing in Phli's antlers. "Y-yes?" Wilbur studdered, not wanting to even turn around.

"Look at me." Phliza demanded, the faun gulped, turning around as the two made eye contact. "Put the flower crown on, now." He said, Tubbo sitting in his large antlers, handing the flower crown down to him. Phliza calmly, let go of Wilbur's wrist, placing the flower crown on his head. Ruffling his hair as he did.

"See, wasn't that hard now was it?" The man smiled, the faun and pixie giving each other smiles. Either faked or out of spite. "Alright you two, let's head back. Heard Techno and his friend is having an all out battle!" Phliza smiled, putting his arm around the faun's shoulder, and letting the pixie continue sitting in his antlers.


Word count: 271

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