(3) Sleepy..

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Suggested by:Storm_Cloud_YT Hope you like it!


It was growing late in this mystical forest. A large animal, huge antlers on his head sat on the grass. Looking around you would see a pink dragon, asleep almost as fast as the sun rose and set. A faun asleep to his right, holding it's flute close as it hummed itself to sleep. The man's attention came towards a shadow growing larger towards him.

A pixie sitting on the shoulder of a large wolf.

"Good evening, tired aren't we?" The man chuckled, walking over to the two. "Mhm! Tommy's very tired Phli!" Tubbo smiled, hopping off. "Come on now, you two need you're rest." Phliza smiled, looking down at Tommy who wobbled slightly as he tried his best to stand up.

"N-no..listen! I..yawn.." Tommy tried to protest, though it seemed to come to his demise as he fell asleep right then and there. His eyes shutting slowly as he limped into the arms of Phli. "Tubbo, do me a favor and grab Wilbur's flute won't you?" Phliza asked, scooping up the asleep boy. Sitting back down resting on a log, the boy curled up into a ball as wind picked up. Perfect; Phliza thought.

"Here ya go!" Tubbo smiled, holding a flute much larger then him. Phliza nodded thankfully taking the instrument. He remembered the time Wilbur tried to teach him how to play, he knew a few notes. The pixie rested its self in Phliza's antlers, it kicked it's feet up on a branch of the antler closing it eyes and it's ears filled with a tune.

Phliza blew into the flute, the tune flowing through the 3 of their ears. He looked down as he saw Tommy smile, the boy fast asleep. He felt Tubbo cling onto on of his branches on his antlers, the boys cuddling themselves into a comfortable sleeping position. Phliza sighed, as he continued to play the flute.

Phliza's attention to the flute stopped as he saw two shadows stand infront of him. It was Techno and Wilbur. "You two as well?" Phliza sweetly smiled, patting the grass around him the two men sat by him, leaning themselves on him.

Phliza's ears rang as he heard four voices wish a goodnight.

"Goodnight you four as well, for tomorrow is a new day."

A/N; Sorry if it's a little shorter then usual everyone! :) Please keep in mind that I will always take you're ideas in thought, for no ideas here are a dumb one! <3

Word count: 421

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