Chapter 3

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3: Welcome Home

I shut my eyes tightly as drops of sweat flowed languidly down my neck. Slowly, the excitement I was feeling when Seymour was around are now starting to wear off.

I did spent hours in our gym at the basement. My dad usually works out there and I thought I needed to try it to divert attention and energy.

I find it really impossible to turn Seymour down. But I did. And I don't know if I should be happy that I finally had the spine to stand up against him or be regretful that together with it, I also refused the chance to be with him again.

He's right. I may not have the courage to admit it but I do want him. I just can't say it to his face because he'll definitely prey on me more and boost his humongous conceited egoistic self confidence.

I want him. I want him more than I have ever wanted any thing in my entire life. I  want him it hurts. The physical attraction between us is unbearably strong I don't think I can hold on any longer.

But I should.

His kinds are the dangerous ones. He smells something in between divinely alluring and trouble. The way he intensely stares. The way he immaculately talks. He's a perfect walking promise of dirty hard sex and heartbreak. And I know I'm not ready for anything like that. At least not yet.

My phone vibrated at the top of my bedside table. My breathing is still uneven and I am really dog tired. Nonetheless, I still took my phone.

I checked first the time before reading the message.

Gods. Who would text me at 2 am in the morning? I was holding my breath thinking it might be from the same number this morning. Somehow, I'm still queering it is Seymour.

I don't know. But my brows furrowed when I figured it's from a different unknown number.

Unknown Number: Hi, Ronnie?  Have you bought a dress for Friday's gala?

JRin? Do I know any JRin? Ah! Jae Rin!

I immediately saved his contact and tapped a reply.

Me: Yup. Miles helped me with it. Why?

I took off my clothes and started heading for my bathroom. I placed my phone on the mobile cradle beside the tub together with the set of Beats speaker and my Ipod. Soon enough, I could hear Bastille from the background.

The tub was already filled with warm water with scented oils. I dipped myself onto it. The hot stinging sensation of it biting into my skin and creeping into my deepest core.

I sighed. For the first time since I woke up this morning I feel at peace. I fought the urge of thinking about everything and just focus on slackening my entire being even just for tonight.

My phone rang, signaling that someone's calling. And no matter how drooping my eyelids were, I took it. It was Jae Rin. I was fidgeting on answering it but still in the end, I did.

"Ronnie?" he called from the other line. His deep brooding voice penetrating from the speakers, into my system.

"Jae Rin." I called back. I could hear his smile with just his breathing. The other line was quiet and the only noise I could here were his breaths.

"Why are you still awake?" I played with the bubbles covering my nakedness and slowly blew it off my palm.

"I could ask the same." I said, and though I know he couldn't see me, I smiled.

"Touché." He chuckled. One thing about Jae Rin is that, isn't just always smiling,  he's also easy to please.  Unlike Seymour, He's way more approachable and nice. Damn! Really,  Ronnie? Seymour? Again? I wanted to roll my eyes aT myself. "I just finished some things. There." he said, still, his smile audibly obvious.

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