Chapter 14

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For real

I sighed dreamily as I watch my man mince some onions and vegetables across the kitchen island. I propped on my elbow, with my chin on my hand, and watch in awe as Pierre fucking Dmitry cook for us. What are the odds, right?

He gave me sideway glance then winked at me as he sautéed different kinds of vegetables on the pan, tossing it lightly in the air, mixing it. He threw a quick look once again and chuckled softly, shaking his head while biting his lip. Holy shiz, he looks so hot looking like that with just his pants on, displaying his perfectly chiseled chest in full display.

"Do you want to help me, babe?" he asked amused, stifling a grin behind those tugged lips.

I shook my head. "You look perfectly fine." literally. So. Damn. Fine. "I'm sure you can handle everything." I winked at him. He chuckled and poured all the contents of the pan into a white plate graciously. Even without taking effort, it looks naturally mouthwatering.

Pierre is so damn good mood along the way I almost forgot about the pregnant scare. It's still a scare though, since I haven't proven otherwise but I don't want to spoil his mood. It's been a while since we were together and I just want to keep things cool with us. Besides, it still isn't confirmed yet. And I hope it won't... not unless any sooner.

But what if?

I heavily sighed and leaned back to my seat at the high chair. Pushing the thought at the farthest end of my mind, I'm gonna find the answer right after he's asleep. The truth is I'm scared. Fuck me, I'm shaken. The possibilities and what ifs were clouding my mind I can't think clearly. It also didn't leave the possibility that Pierre might back out on me if I really am. I'm scared he'll leave me. I don't think I can take this alone.

Shh, shut it Ronnie. You're probably just delayed. It's normal. Hormonal balance and shit. Don't think too much. I tried to appease myself... though deep inside I know that a hundred percent impossible since I've been regular ever since puberty hit me.

Just eat your dinner now and figure it out later, Blaisdell. Of course. You'll cross the bridge when you get there.

Since it's just me and him right now, I've managed to convince Pierre to eat here at the kitchen counter rather than at the dining. I only want a simple dinner with him—nothing fancy or handful.

Pierre and I ate like we've been doing this every time. Talking, throwing banters and joking lame stuffs, this couldn't get any more normal for us. I couldn't ask for anything but to keep things like this forever.

The zone immediately switched off when my laughter died down.

As much as I hate it... we both know we can't ignore the things that had caused us to drift apart.

We were both so not ready for this... for us.

It was supposedly just a one night stand but we both got addicted to the call of each other's lust, it sent everything into a fucking shade of blur.

But dammit, I can't even come up with anything rational when I talk to myself about this.

I know this is wrong.

And all of a fucking sudden.

Everything happened in swirl of time like a freaking whirlwind blown off our eyes.

We were hooked.

And fuck me but I can't seem to get over this... or him.

I don't want to get over with him.

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