5 - Storm (Byakuya Togami x Makoto Naegi)

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I got bored after reading 2 paragraphs of Byakyua's wiki so this will all be 100% w r o n g
All I know from the page is that he's rich and stuck-up

Byakuya rubbed his eyes tiredly, dropping his bag on the couch. He sighed, walking to his kitchen and getting out a glass of wine. He drank it quietly, feeling lonely in his big house.

He left the kitchen after the quick taste of alcohol and went to his room. He changed into some more comfortable clothes and laid down in bed.

He still couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

Makoto held his umbrella tightly, gazing at Byakuya's house like it was a monster. To Makoto, it was.

A monster of anxiety and fear. But the person inside was the source of Makoto's feelings.

Taking a deep breath, Makoto walked up to the door, ringing the doorbell politely. He waited, becoming more and more nervous.

Then, the door opened. Byakuya stood there in a suit, peering down at Makoto disapprovingly.

"B—Byakuya!" Makoto said nervously. "Wh—What a pleasant surprise!"

"Why are you here, Naegi?" Byakuya asked, though it was more a demand than a question. Still, it fueled Makoto's arousal.

Makoto avoided Byakuya's chilling, blue eyes, "I wanted t—to stop by a—and say hi!"

Byakuya looked unconvinced. "What are you really here for?" He asked, crossing his arms.

Makoto looked down, "I..."

"Spit it out, Naegi!" Byakuya growled. "Before I make you regret coming here."

Makoto almost let out a whimper. Not pained, but from how he talked.

"I wanted to talk to you," Makoto blurted. "Can you please let me inside so we can talk?"

How Byakuya narrowed his eyes, inched Makoto further to the edge.

"Fine," Byakuya sighed. "Only twenty minutes."

Once Makoto and Byakuya were settled on the couch, Byakuya started.

"Start talking," he said with a scowl.

Makoto blushed, his feelings-problem becoming uncomfortable. So what if he only came here to hear Byakuya's voice? So what if he wanted to fuck him (or Byakuya fuck him, either one was good for Makoto)? So what if he got turned on by Byakuya's voice? These feelings were normal, right?

Of course not, Makoto.

"I..." Makoto tried. "Wanted to t—tell you..."

Byakuya raised an eyebrow.

"Your voice— it—" Makoto choked on his words. "What I'm trying to say—"

What is happening?!

Makoto grabbed his hair, starting to cry.

Why was this so difficult?? Tell him you like him and be done with it! It's not like he could hate you more.

Makoto curled in on himself, "No... You'll hate me... more..."

"Tell me, Naegi," Byakuya said with a scowl.

"I can't, Byakuya!" Makoto said, tears starting to form in his eyes. "You would hate me more!"

"TELL ME, MAKOTO NAEGI!" Byakuya yelled, standing up from his couch. "I DON'T CARE IF IT MAKES ME HATE YOU MORE! I ALREADY HATE YOU!"

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