Chapter 55: The Merman Prince's Truth

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Jins pov

Today, we decided to tell Jaemin who Namjoon and I are. Hyuna agreed to look after Ryujin, so we're on our way to the beach right now. Following the events of last month, Joon and I decided to take time off from work and simply stay together after dropping the kids off at school.

It's been amazing.

Namjoon, more precisely, has been amazing. I am so lucky to have him, but now we have to worry about Jaemin. He's been questioning why I go to the beach a lot and drink salty water so instead of hiding it, we brought him to the ocean at 9 p.m.

I parked the car and we got out, Jaemin slowly slides out when I opened the door for him and started walking, rubbing his eyes with his fists, next to Namjoon.

"It's late and I'm tired." He whined, pulling at my hand.

"I know darling but just hold on a little longer, Joonie and I need to show you something," I said looking at my husband who nodded, though I knew he was slightly scared to see the kids reaction

We were at the secret beach and as Namjoon went to change out of his clothes, I turned us both around, making up some excuse to keep him looking at me until I heard my husband say it was okay to turn back.

Smiling at Namjoons merman form which I love a lot; he looked so handsome but Jaemin was frozen like a statue. Eyes wide and he suddenly turned to me.

"I'm like him too, he's a merman, a true prince. Remember when I said that?" He nods. "It was actually true and it's also why Joon has silver hair and green eyes. Joon and I didn't want to hide this from you any longer so here we are. How do you feel about this?" Jaemin looks back at Namjoon and hesitantly walked over to my husband.

"Is-Is this for real? I'm not still dreaming, right?" Namjoon shakes and moves his tail to the side, hitting it against the water that splashed a little at us. "Whoa." I chuckled and went onto one knee next to Jaemin.

"When you see all our friends and family, their hair and eyes, those strange colors are real. I hope this doesn't change your appearance on me or Jin." I hummed and took off my shoes and socks, going into the water a bit to give Namjoon a kiss.

"I was shot when I met Namjoonie, he saved my life by turning me into him, or well a siren. He's the reason why I am here breathing and saving people from death and children from abusive parents." Jaemin blinked, his curious wide eyes staring at us, before slowly walking into the water, grabbing Namjoons chin to plunge his fingers into his mouth, poking at his sharp teeth. The merman didn't care, having a small grin from my words.

"This is... This is really cool!" Jaemin squeals jumping up and down clapping. "Can you breathe underwater? Or speak to fish? Can you- oh goodness there are so many questions."

"I'm glad, but we'll tell you everything tomorrow in the morning," I said and ruffled Namjoons hair when I felt his tail rub against my leg.

"Did you take me here to turn me?" I shake my head.

"No, that's not up to us. We just wanted to bring you in the loop, Jae, and when my family comes over, you'll understand things better and why they act weirdly." I teased and Namjoons hissed making Jaemin flinch and shuffle over to me slightly.

"You can't tell anyone about this, including Ryujin."

"Joon, you can get out now... wait, I have to get the bag!" Namjoon chuckled as I skipped to the plastic bag I brought and then handed it to my husband before taking Jaemin down the shore a bit.

"Why can't I tell Ryu?"

"Because she might tell someone; she can't keep a secret, okay? I don't want Namjoon getting taking away from me."

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