Chapter 11 - If you can't scream for fame, then scream for the exit

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I looked at the two tunnels and, after shuddering as a chill shot down my spine, pointed to the darker one. Mark looked puzzled.

"Oh, uh, ye-yeah. Sure," he said slowly as another scream echoed through the tunnel. He slowly started walking as I followed close behind, being unable to shake the feeling that I had done this before. "The tunnel with all the--the screaming and the death. That's--that's the right choice. That feels right. This--this feels good. This feels good going this way. I like this. I like it a whole lot..." After a few solid minutes of walking, I shivered again and shifted closer to Mark. Something about this rubbed me the wrong way.

"Oh, I think we need some light," he mumbled, pulling out a flashlight and flicking it on. His face was suddenly illuminated from not only the flashlight but a sudden beam of light that filtered through the dusty air. "That's better. Okay, follow me." I nodded and moved closer, my hand brushing against his suit jacket for a moment. He glanced back at me, raising an eyebrow.

"You good?"

"Yeah, I'm...I'm good. Just trying to stick close, y'know? The last thing we'd want is to lose each other," I replied. He chuckled a bit, nodded, and turned back to face forward.

"Oh, that exit's gotta be around here somewhere..."

He then whirled around to face me, his eyes lighting up.

"Or, uh--or we could split up! Yeah, that's a great idea! We should split up, cover more ground. I'll, uh, keep moving forward and you go back the way we came. And if either of us find the exit, we'll just, uh--we'll SCREAM! Scream for the other one!" He said excitedly. "Scream as loud as we can, and we'll come running for the other one. And, um, yeah, I think that's a great idea. So, uh, what do you think?"

I stared at him, jaw nearly on the floor.

"Are you insane?!" I asked. "That's a horrible idea! I'm not splitting up." He huffed a bit.

"Oh. Oh, okay. All right, well, then let's go...together," he said, his voice tinged with sarcasm. I glared at him but had no choice but to follow as he continued walking down the tunnel.

Why was he so bitter about this?

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