Safety at Colter

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*Hey there reader! *
Welcome to my first book, I have a favour to ask :) As you read through the story I would love if you could let me know if you spot any errors in grammar or spelling. It would really help me out! Don't be shy about posting it as a comment either 😁

Chapter warnings: minor character death.

Numb fingers pull the blanket closer as the icy wind threatens to tear it from your body. You've been sitting in the back of this wagon for three days, battling the snowstorm with the rest of the gang as you flee the threats that follow. You trusted Dutch, you all did, but since Micah bent his ear over the Blackwater job things had taken a turn and you began to question where your loyalty should lie.

"Hang in there Y/N, we'll get through this" Abigail spoke directly to you but her eyes never left where her hands pressed over Davey's bullet wound.

"I wouldn't count on all of us making it through Abigail" your eyes flicker from Davey's wound to his face.

His eyes are closes and his breathing is shallow, it won't be long before he succumbs to his injury.
Abigail sniffs and nods, her eyes remaining on Davey. You pull your knees to your chest and sigh.
"I'm sorry Abigail, I'm cold, I'm scared, and...."

"'re worried about Arthur." She finishes now staring at you.

You nod and bury your face into your knees as you hug them closer.

Arthur hadn't been in Blackwater, thank God, because if he had it could have been him lying in Davey's place. Arthur was the best shot the gang had and to be fair things may not have gone south as badly as they did had he been there, but he'd been sent off earlier in the week to follow up on a lead Trelawny had found. You hadn't seen him for 10 days and had no clue if he was even alive, but God did you pray he was okay.

As you begin to spiral into worry your thoughts are interrupted by the slowing of the wagon. You look up at Abigail, she's staring at you with wide eyes full of fear.

"Do you think they caught up to us?"

You shake your head as you squint into the snow to try and see, you were certain only your gang would be desperate enough to venture this far North in the Winter. You begin to hear shouting, men's voices, but the wind makes it impossible to decipher what they are saying. The voices are getting closer but still, you can't hear what they are saying so you shuffle closer to the front of the wagon, Lenny and the Reverend sit huddled on the driver's bench waiting for the signal to move again. You squint harder to Dutch and Hosea's carriage ahead, they are shouting into the snow at someone, you can't tell if the shouts are angry or because the wind is stealing their voices from them.

Suddenly a figure emerges into view, a looming outline on a bay horse. At least you think it's bay, this snow and the darkness make it hard to tell. The figure on the horse moves away from the wagon in front and turns towards yours.

"I ain't going nowhere 'til I see 'er!" the figure yells back at Dutch as it moves closer.

Your eyes widen and you gasp.

It was Arthur. You want to run to him, but you're frozen in place, relief and happiness flooding through you. Overwhelmed by the emotions you let out a sob.

"Y/N what is it? Why have we stopped?" Abigail looks at you, concern wracked across her face.

"It's Arthur..." You smile and sniff, turning to the back of the wagon. Careful to avoid Davey you maneuver to the edge of the wagon just as Arthur pulls his horse level.
The light from his lantern hurts your eyes but you can't bear to look away.

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