Epilogue I

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A/N: There will be two parts to the Epilogue, this is part one :)  Part one is some long over due happiness.

5 years later...

"Daddy, Jack said he won't play with me anymore." Tris pouts, her tiny feet kicking up dust as she stomps into the barn rubbing her eyes.

She had been trying desperately all morning to get Jack to play sheriff with her, but he seemed more interested in his books than pretending to be a lawman. She had even fashioned him a makeshift badge out of paper, which she had spent hours meticulously coloring with her crayons, her tiny tongue poking from the corner of her mouth as she tried in vain to stay within the lines.

Arthur leans back from the broken wagon's wheel and watches Tris approach, her eyes wide and a crumpled paper star clutched between her fingers. Seeing his daughter's bottom lip start to quiver, his heart instantly clenches, frowning at her saddened features.

 Seeing his daughter's bottom lip start to quiver, his heart instantly clenches, frowning at her saddened features

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Photo credit : Instagram foundynnel

"Hey sweetheart, c'mere." he soothes, opening his arms wide to her, she instantly runs to embrace him, burying her face into his neck and sniffling back tears.

He's sad for her, he really is, but he can't help the smile that creeps across his face. Poor Jack had played with Tris for endless hours and she never seemed to tire, she would constantly invent new games for them to play but in the end, Jack would get tired, or bored, and sneak away to read his books, leaving Charlotte Beatrice alone and looking for a new companion. Sensing Jack may have given her the slip once again Arthur stands, holding her against him, and gently petting her head.

Since being born Arthur had been wrapped around his daughter's little finger, usually leaving you to be the stricter parent. Tris had a sweet tooth, a trait she inherited from you, and on a number of occasions, you had had to enforce a no candy before bed rule. This usually ended with Tris flashing Arthur her widest 'sad' eyes and asking to have her Daddy tuck her in that night instead of you. You would roll your eyes, knowing your husband was being played by a five-year-old, but as it always happened, the night would wear on and you would walk past Tris's room to see Arthur with her curled up on his lap, the pair asleep and surrounded by chocolate wrappers. The one time you had happened to catch Arthur in the act of sneaking into her room, he at least had the decency to look guilty before handing over the candy bar as you shake your head with a smile.

The only time you'd ever seen Arthur become cross with her was one day by the river. John and Arthur had taken Jack and Tris fishing by the shore as you and Abigail relaxed nearby. The sun had slowly begun to set and you all quickly realized that Tris had wandered off. She often chased after small animals and insects so this was a common occurrence, but as the minutes dragged on you had all begun to panic, Arthur becoming practically frantic as he called her name. When she innocently appeared from behind a tree, having wanted to scare her Pa as a joke, he had scolded her quite fiercely about wandering off, before collecting his fishing pole and silently stomping back to the house. At first, you were furious at him for overreacting and making your daughter cry, but later on, as you crawled into bed with him you understood.

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