Fear in Valentine

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A/N: Trigger Warnings. This chapter has gore, panic attacks, and attempted rape.

Oh, good God, what is that ringing?
You attempt to cover your ears, but pain floods your body.
I can't move, why can't I move?
You try to yell, "Mmmm, nuugh."
"Oi look I t'ink she's waking up'
Was that Irish? That can't be a good sign...
"I think you hit her a lil too hard mate, she's been out for two days."
"Shut it, that bitch bit me hard. 'Sides, was much easier to get her here while she was out."
Two days? You force your eyes open, squinting as the light hits them. You wince, your head is pounding, and your ears are still ringing.
"Go get Colm, tell him she's up."

You hear someone leave. You blink to clear your vision trying to take note of your surroundings.
Pounding head and no idea where I am. Probably got hit good on the head.
No broken bones? Guess I didn't put up that much of a fight.
Extremely thirsty? I've been out a while. What did they say, two days?
Can't move? Gonna take a wild guess and say I'm not their guest.
"Welcome back t' the land of the living."
You squint and see a man sat on a chair. You're in a tent, not much different from the ones your gang used.
...Your gang...
Images come flooding back. Your argument with Arthur. The hunting trip with Charles. Charles on the ground.
You feel yourself starting to panic, you struggle against your bonds despite the pain.
"Let me go, please." You gasp for air, but you can't get enough.
The man in the chair leans forward and smiles. "S'matter sweetheart?"
"Ppp-lease, I can't b-breath." You start to cry as your heart begins to pound.
I'm going to die, and this asshole is the last thing I see.
The tent flap is thrown aside.
"The fuck is going on in here!? "
The man on the chair jumps to his feet, clearly fearful of the man's presence.
"S-She...she...woke up Colm. Just started acting like that."

He shoves him aside and crouches in front of you. You're still gasping for breath as you meet his eyes.
"She's having a goddamn panic attack! Get her some water!" He shrugs off his jacket and drapes it around your shoulders as best he can around your bonds.
"Shhh, just breathe. Watch me. In and out."
You match his words and begin to feel oxygen match his words.
"There you go, just like that. Good."
"Please let me go." You whisper, still crying but able to breathe.
Colm frowns at you before standing. "Sorry kiddo, no can do. Yer too valuable. But don't worry, we ain't gonna hurt ya."

The man returns with the water handing it to Colm. You recognize him as the man who knocked you out. You glare at him hoping you can return the favor some time.
"Here drink this, you've been out a while." He holds the water to your mouth.
You hesitate, not wanting to cooperate with O'Driscolls. But God you were thirsty, so you gulp it down quickly. Spilling it down your chin.
"Easy there, don't choke." Colm wipes the water from your chin gently. His eyes never leaving yours. You look away, feeling even more vulnerable in your current state.

You'd never met Colm before, but you'd had a couple of run-ins with a few of his men. Usually ending in them getting killed. You knew him and Dutch had history and therefore so did Arthur. You'd heard about Annabelle from Hosea and knew Dutch had killed Colm's brother. You began to worry if you were the next step in their retaliation.

"So, Y/N, I s 'pose you know who I am already but maybe not why you're here."
You meet his eyes, glaring as best you can despite your headache. "Not at all, I thought we were gonna braid each other's hair and playhouse."
Colm chuckles. "I can see why Morgan likes you, you're a real firecracker."
You audibly growl at the mention of Arthur's name.
"You're here because Dutch took someone from me. Someone valuable."
"Only because you killed Annabelle!"
"Is that what he told you? That I killed her first?" He smirks.
"Who gives a shit who killed who first!? The way I see it you're even!"
His smile widens. "Not quite, you see Y/N your dear leader Dutch robbed me blind when you all fled to Blackwater and I'm betting he'd only be willing to return it if he has a reason too. Since he has no one left I'll settle for his golden boy's lover."

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