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Author pov

Jin inserted his key into the keyhole and twisted it in a certain pattern which opened the door of his home.

His left hand was aching because of grocery bags. He went out shopping for today's dinner.
He initially thought of rearranging the house and decorating a bit but that would give a wrong idea to the younger so he settled down with making a luxurious dinner. 

He placed all the required stuff on the kitchen counter and glance at the dinner table which was already arranged.

"Thank god, I have it arrange all the time"
Jin was in the habit of organizing his dining table twice a day. He didn't like it if the place where he eats is all mess and awkward.

He tied his apron and clapped his hand twice before taking all the vegetables, jars and packets out.

By using his beautiful and talented hands he begins the process of creating delicious and chef kiss food.

Jin was halfway done through making recipes which were more than enough for two people when someone decided to attack his doorbell endlessly.

"Aish..who is this"
Jim said in an annoying tone, he made a bitter face when the person didn't stop his action. 

'Oh god I'm coming, stop ringing the bell'
He annoyingly cursed at the person and twisted the golden knob, opening the door furiously.

"Wha- Jung-"

Before he could complete his words, he was given a serious shock when jungkook crashed his lips on him.

His wrists were held together by the younger's left hand and the right hand snaked on his waist.

Jungkook lead both of them toward a more steady surface which was the older's elegantly decorated dining table. He licked the lips of the shocked man groaning at the plumpness and the juicy flavour of lip balm. 

He pushed the other man on the table and again attack his glossy lips into an open mouth kiss.

Jin, although was stunned by the surprising action, didn't break the kiss he gave an easy entrance to jungkook.

He hungrily accepts the tongue which invaded his mouth and moaned when the younger tangled their tongue together. They savoured each other's saliva which was making the temperature surge.

Jin laced his hands through the silky black hair and let out a breathy moan when jungkook bite on his tongue.

The younger roamed his hands on the back of the moaning man. He pulled his toward his chest, squeezing him more. He salivated the lips attached to his and nibble on them earning a uniquely great pleasure by it. 

Jin moaned and thrashed his body behind when his lips were painfully being eaten.

His mind was hazy and he needs a huge gulp of oxygen so he did what everyone would do. He pushed the younger with all his force and took a deep breath. His lips were blood-red, unlike his cheeks and ears which were more of cherry red.

Jungkook allowed the oxygen to enter his lunges too, breathing in the same pattern as other. He could feel hot breath on his face just like Jin who could feel his own.                

"What happened?"
Jin said when he collected his conscious. He stares at the younger but let his eyes fall when he notices his position. He didn't realise when he was placed on the table and when jungkook stood between his spread legs.

"Jangmi cheated on me"
Jungkook disclosed.

"Did you talk to her?"
Jin questioned.

Jungkook answered. He traces his nose from the back of the ear all the down to the neck.
Jin let a delightful breath. He got a hold of the raven hair and pulled jungkook's head to face him.

Teaching Seduction | Jinkook ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ