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Author pov

Shimmering rays of light penetrated through the glass window and arrived into the room of a sleeping beauty. The sleepy man scrunched up his nose, his eyes creased in annoyance. He whined before removing the blanket and rolling to the other side of the bed.

But some solid mass body halted his path.
Jin said in a hoarse voice.
He promptly moved his eyelids, washing away the fog developed by his sleepy state.

With his crooked fingers, he removed the blanket from the solid something.

Jin exclaimed loudly but not too loud to wake up his bed partner.

There on the other side of the bed lay Jungkook, emitting the child glow in his sleep.

"What happened?"
Jin thought, he was well aware that his clothes were still on his body and Jungkook was wearing his t-shirt too.

"He looks cute tho"
Jin said. He laid down back on his side of the bed and tried to recall why Jungkook was in his bed.

"Oh, yeah, I invited him to stay for the night"
Jin remembered that he was the one who asked his client to spend the night at his apartment.

He smiled when he thought of how Jungkook at last share his concerns. Guess his work has ended up. It was fast but Jungkook is an intelligent man just a little ignorant.

He touched his lips, the lingering feeling of the kiss they shared by the bridge was still there. But it was wrong, it was so immoral.
(Flashback - Jinkook on the bridge)

"Jin hyung "
Jungkook mumbled.

Jin hummed. He enjoyed as the yellow street light illuminated the black night water making a distorted art.

"Do you think Jangmi doesn't love me?"
Jungkook mumbled. His hands were placed on the railing. He shifted his body weight in the direction of his hand.

"No, I think you both don't love each other"
Jin replied. He was kinda shocked how naive Jungkook is but on the second hand, he realised Jungkook isn't naive, he is just good at fooling his mind.

"But I do love her"
Jungkook tried to reason his side. He tried to keep his point clean but his voice betrayed him.

Jin sighed, he moved closer to him until their shoulder's bumped. Jin placed his left hand on top of the jungkook's cold hand.

"You say this to make yourself believe that there is still hope for the marriage. You fool your mind in believing that your heart is in love with Jangmi. But the reality is sad."

Jin explained. When he didn't get any reply from the younger he continued.

"Jungkook.....I know that you are afraid of having a broken marriage. You are afraid of not being love. Which is completely fine. But because of this fear, you are blinding yourself. You are forcing not only yourself but also Jangmi in this loveless marriage. You are ready to compromise your happiness in this marriage.....Marriage isn't something you should compromise for"

Jungkook’s heart sank in the depth of hard truth. He realises the effect of his unwanted actions. Perhaps, it wasn't his fault. Perhaps, It isn't anyone's fault.

"When I was small, my dad would cheat on my mom, all the time."
Jungkook confessed he fiddles his fingers in nervousness.

"My mom would cry day and night, she was very stressed. Whenever she tried to confront dad, my grandmother would stop her, telling her to just wait for dad to realised his mistake. Dad did realise his mistakes and came back to mom and me."
Jungkook said he recalled how his mom would cry whenever dad didn't come back home for days. He remembered how his grandma would say "that's okay, at last, dad is gonna come back to his family, once he realises". He was only a kid but he can sense everything which was happening in the family. His mom tried to divorce his dad but again his grandmother got her in the talk.

" I saw how my mom, stayed in the barely happy marriage for years, she longed for dad's love for so long. I thought........I thought If I try like my mom, maybe by time Jangmi would accept me. Maybe, I would get lucky like my parents. I didn't grasp how this is gonna affect us."
Jungkook said in a raspy voice, a drop of tear slid down from his watery eyes down to his chin. He took a deep breath, ceasing his erratic mind.

"It isn't your fault, Jungkook"
Jin said he turned his long neck to face the younger. It truly isn't his fault. He just did what affected his mind as a child. We don't realise how kids understand each and everything which they see in their childhood. The ideas, the morals stay with them throughout there life. Jungkook saw how his mother was miserable but still carried on with a hope that her husband, at last, would come back.

"You did what you thought was right. You both are compromising your happiness and love for this so-called marriage. I'm happy that you finally realise that love and marriage can't be forced on people, even if you give it centuries to grow. Jungkook, it isn't late, you can still fix this issue"

Jungkook nodded his head. He wiped away the tears and smiled at the older man.

"There is no need to be in this marriage if we both are just barely living through it. I'll talk to Jangmi"

Jin smiled back at the statement.
"You are very intelligent. Honestly, when first met you, I thought it would take years to get this simple thing inside your head."
Jin exaggerated his statement by doing a dramatic eye roll.

"Yaaa hyung, I'm not that bad"
Jungkook playfully hit the older on his side with his elbow.

"Everyone should thank God, that they got a chance an even speak to the great Jeon Jungkook"
Jungkook referred himself as a proud divine identity which earned a melodramatic disgusting act of vomiting, as jin faked out the gagged sound.

Jungkook giggled and attacked jin with lots of tickles. To the people passing by, they sure look like boyfriends getting playful with each other.

"Stop! Jungkook"
Jin tried to defend himself, his eyes were getting teary but the sound produced from his laughter was so amusing to Jungkook that he can't stop his hand.

Jin's scream was cut halfway when he felt a soft pair of lips on his own. Jungkook kissed him, there on the bridge where anyone could recognise them.

The younger snaked his arms around the tiny waist and pulled the older closer to him. He moved his lips to get a better taste of the plump one. He leaned toward his front and licked on the pink petals expecting some reaction.

Jin was stunned on his place. His eyes were wide open like that of the Korean drama female lead when the male interest kiss her. He now understands her emotions. He hesitantly placed his hands-on jungkook's shoulder. When he felt jungkook moving his tongue he completely lost it to the pleasure.

They moved their lips in perfect harmony. Savouring the lingering taste of tea. They kissed until jin pushed jungkook away, but not too harsh.

"Stop jungkook"
Jin said
"It's wrong, it's almost like cheating"
Jin reasoned the truth. Jungkook was still a married man, this is wrong to Jagmi.

"I'm sorry"
Jungkook mumbled, how could he almost cheat on his wife. How could he let his desire overpower his reasoning?


Hope you all like the chapter.

Also, I want to tell you guys that I originally planned a sad ending for this book. I know most of you are expecting a happy jinkook ending but I never thought of that. There are still gonna be cute, sexy jinkook moment. But I would give with my original plan for the end.

Please keep reading the book. It's coming to its end pretty soon.

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