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Furious footsteps echoed as soon as Jangmi walked out of the lift. Her red block heels making it risky for her to run. But she didn't give a damn.

"What the hell are you doing here?"
She whispered yelled.

The young lady pointed her red nail painted index finger at the man standing not only in front of her but also in front of her apartment.

"Jangmi please listen to me "
Joon hyung cried out.

"Shut the hell up"
Jangmi shouted out but ultimately dropped her voice.  Her anxiety kicked her in guts.
"Shit, what if someone heard us"

Jangmi shivered by the thought of someone finding out her relationship with Joon. What a disastrous scandal it would create.
"No, I can't let that happen"

"Come inside"
Jangmi ordered and unlocked the wooden door.
Joon hyung followed the request. He stepped inside the moderate looking flat, the floor and walls were all covered with mahogany wood. The open sofa space looks very cosy and warm and the small wall-less kitchen gives an appealing aesthetic charm.

He strolled toward the brown leather couch and took a seat on the left side off it while patting the seat next to him indicating his ex-lover to sit beside him.

Jangmi rolled her eyes in annoyance but eventually took a seat beside Joon hyung.

"What do you want, just talk fast I have to go home"
Jangmi barked out in faux anger. If she was true to her heart she would have cried and hugged joon hyung or maybe cuddle with him and relish all the buried memories.

"Home? This isn't your home"
Joon hyung questioned. According to his information and sources this property was named under the woman beside him so it has to be her home.

"I mean my husband's mansion."
Jangmi said her pretty lips turned into an unfamiliar smirk.

Like an arrow with the poison tip, Jangmi's word pierced through Joon hyung heart. He felt hurt, sadness and anger all at once. A very dangerous combination to say.

"Jangmi why can't you see I love you so much. Please, please come back to me. I'll do anything for you to get back. Please, please I love you"
Joon hyung cried out he clenched the female's hands, the delicate veins in his eyeballs turning red with salty water filling them till the brim.

"No, I said this before and I would say it now, I am married to another man and I won't leave him"
Jangmi declared keeping a stone (named society) on her heart. If Joon hyung wasn't this late maybe just maybe she wouldn't care about her family or Jeons. But now it's late, too late. She can't go with Joon hyung leaving everything behind. She isn't strong enough to take all the accusations of people for her love. She can't fight for her love.

Joon Hyung carefully called out. He wiped a tear which was flowing down from the female's eyes.

Jangmi flinched when something touched her cheek, she didn't even realize that the tears were streaming down.

She instantly wiped her face and let go of  Joon's hand. She turned on her heels to face the opposite side.

"You still love me"
Joon hyung asked, his voice cracked a bit when he couldn't control the flowing tears from his eyes.

"No, I don't"
Jangmi harshly said which only fueled the male's anger.

"Don't lie Jangmi, I could see it in your eyes. I know you love me "
Joon shouted he moved his body closer to Jangmi and forcefully moved her shoulder making the female face him.

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