...Gained Another

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A/N: It's been a long, long while. Sorry about that. Also, any comments about the work (good or bad) would be greatly appreciated.

(Underworld) Focus: Coleus

Coleus frowned as he watched Delphi converse with his brother, Xylo. He didn't trust the serpent, even if he rarely interacted with her. He shivered as they made eye contact, quickly sidling up to his brother, who soon noticed what he was carrying. 

"Why do you have Ricarro, Coleus?" Xylo eyed him, slightly suspicious.

Coleus stared down at the unconscious demigod in his arms, "He came to the garden."

Delphi snickered, "Little demigod made a fool out of himself it seems."

Coleus glared, "And what would you know, huh?"

Delphi hissed at him but stopped staring down at Ricarro. She instead turned towards Xylo, waiting for him to say something. He simply rolled his eyes and turned towards his entourage.

'Ok,' he mentally counted, 'There's Grugg, me, Ricarro, Coleus, and Delphi'.

He then frowned, 'But I can't bring everyone with me...and I don't feel like messing with Hades this time.'

He inwardly winced at the memory of the arena, 'Never do I want a replay of that.'

Xylo shook the feeling away, focusing on the group and the giant portal. A deep sigh was all it took for everyone's attention to be on him.

"Are you alright Xylo?" Coleus' hardened gaze softened slightly, not wanting to give up his facade.

Xylo nodded, "Yeah, yeah I'm alright."

Delphi snickered, "Whatever you say, death boy. Do you want to leave or are you planning on staying, huh?"

The others politely looked away and focused more on the portal, which pulsed and continued to emit a soft glow.

With a sigh, Xylo walked up to Grugg, and tugged him down.

"I know that...we've known each other for a long time Grugg, but, as you can see", Xylo gestured to the group, "I can't take everyone with me."

Grugg's ears flattened but he smiled and patted Xylo on the back, "I don't mind waiting a little bit. I know how much it means for everyone to go to the surface."

"Even Delphi?"

"Yes Xylo, even Delphi."

"....if you say so Grugg."

Standing at full height, Grugg took Xylo's hand and walked towards the portal, with one last look, he swung him through it and started back at the others.

"You should get going."

(Overworld) Focus: Coleus

Though used to portal traveling, Coleus couldn't help but feel...sick.

He looked behind himself, only to see a blank space.

'Ah, so I guess it was a one-time thing...'

A small grunt and some squirming reminded Coleus of his surprise cargo.

"Oh wait, sorry little guy," Coleus crouched down and let Ricarro reacquaint himself with the ground.

Ricarro wobbled a bit before he was able to firmly plant his feet down. Almost immediately after, he took in the surroundings and a light seemed to fill his eyes.

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