Not Roses, But Chrysanthemums

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(A/N: Sorry for the hiatus, wasn't feeling all too great, but I found inspiration again)

Bryan's Mansion (Focus: River)

River groaned as he slowly awakened, limbs heavy and mind spinning.

'What...what the,' River looked around the area, 'This isn't the woods.'

He propped himself up and took a better look around.

To his left, he could see a vanity mirror and a table of sorts. It vaguely reminded him of Kay's own room, except this place felt much more...spacious.

River got out of the bed and realized how bare he was.

'I seem to have been stripped,' River noted, as he walked around in his inner robes. He squinted as he approached what seemed to be a lounge area, conveniently right outside the bedroom. He walked over to one of the couches and sighed in relief as the sun hit his face.

He breathed in deeply, savoring the moment.

"Excuse me?" A voice startled him, "But are you the owner of this place or...?"

River turned around quickly and stood, taking in the person standing in front of him. They (He?) wore a green robe of sorts, with vines and a few...skulls?

Clearing his throat he asked, "Well, no. But I'm guessing they also helped you out?" He gestured to the small stitches on the other person's robes. They looked at him and nodded. 

"Yeah, a...friend and I found this place by complete accident, and well," they chuckled, "we decided to try our luck and take shelter."

River got up and walked over to them and offered a hand, "Well, my name is River. At least, that's more of a convenience than anything. I am the son of the Dragon King of the East Sea. Who might you be?"

The person returned the gesture, "I'm known as Coleus, son of Persephone. It is a pleasure to meet yet another demigod."

A shake of hands and the duo were walking towards the supposed kitchen. Coleus took the lead, attempting to create a conversation between the two, "I came here with another demigod, but I'm not sure where exactly he went. Hey, would you like to eat breakfast? You seem hungry."

River blinked slightly surprised at the topic change, "Ah, sure. I haven't eaten in a while...."

Coleus grinned and dragged River over to the countertop, where a plate of bagels sat, alongside a few jam jars and bowls of fresh fruit. It was a very refreshing sight for River, who took a bagel and slathered it in what he could, before following Coleus to an exit, or entry.

The two acquaintances began their stroll to the garden, and though River hoped to keep some sort of guard up (he had, after all, just met the demigod), he couldn't help but marvel at the size of the house, er mansion.

'This almost reminds me of home except this place feels much nicer,' River couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

Coleus glanced back at him, "Did something catch your eye River?"

River sighed, "Just...a little homesick?"

Coleus nodded, "I get that. Back in the Underworld my mom and I had this huge garden, the only garden too. Of course, it was mostly made up of magic-infused flowers but it's the thought that counts."

River blinked, "Ah...of course."

"Heyyy, Uncle Coleus!" a voice shouted from around the water fountain.

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