Chapter 31 - Shattered Eternity

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(A/N: Haha joke, I have a beta reader [crazy right?] & I finally feel like I'm in a good headspace [not really] so here's the next chapter! We'll probably get back to Bryan's POV, probably hahaha-)

Camp Oasis (Focus: Inpu)

"Stay awake Mario, gods damn it all," Inpu gritted out, running to the best of his ability.

He could hear the Rose screeching behind him, struggling to get out of - what sounded like - ice. He (mostly) and Mario (who was now alert and armed) shadow-traveled close to the office/infirmary, the old, fenced area in sight. Staring up wearily at the trees, he strained his ears to hone in on the tell-tale sign of flapping wings.

Nothing nearby.

Inpu bolted, Mario following closely behind. The two made a mad dash for the infirmary.

"Tsk, tsk. Not so fast boys~," a voice called out, causing Mario to stumble.

A body divebombed into the lightning demigod, who summoned his sword and slashed at the figure.

"Run Inpu!" Mario yelled, lightning crackling around him, "I'll hold it off!"

Inpu scowled and stared at the two, hesitant, but quickly ran towards the infirmary.

Bursting through the doors, Inpu startled a frazzled Elio, who had just left the infirmary room, "We have to go! The Rose is outside!"

Elio blinked, letting Inpu run into the infirmary, where River stood in front of the patients, blearily staring at the frazzled demigod.

"The Seductive Rose is outside," Inpu panted out, "We need to get everyone to safety!"

River blinked, looking over at the patients, "We can't leave."

Inpu groaned, "Then what are we going to do? The Rose isn't that far away!"

A loud, thundering clap filled the room. The two heard Elio gasp in the other room. Rushing outside, they saw him staring up through the window, stiff.

The two joined him.

The sky had gone dark, lightning crackling faintly in the clouds. River gasped and ran outside, shouting for Mario. Inpu was about to join him but Elio grasped his arm tightly, shaking his head.

"Mario! You need to stop now!" River screamed desperately, following something in the clouds. 

The two watched as he ran back towards the forested area and Elio gripped Inpu tighter, "He's being stupid. He won't make it in time."

Inpu growled, "If it's so bad, then why don't you want us to move?"

Elio looked back up at the sky, "Do you feel that?"

Inpu stared back, "Feel what?"

Elio shuddered, "There's a pull. It's like, a dark pull. It feels oddly familiar, but...not."

Inpu frowned, "Wha-"


The two jumped as they saw Mario crash into the ground in front of the infirmary, a decently-sized crater now taking up a decent part of the path. Inpu and Elio almost bolted out the door, but the flash of black wings and a familiar limp body stopped them.

"Hello, boys! It's so lovely to see you all again~" The Seductive Rose smiled sweetly at the two, softly descending on the opposite side of the crater.

"What?" the Rose pouted, wings drooping, "Too scared to say hi to a friend?"

Inpu and Elio glared at it.

Discovering Recovery (Brypu fanfic/ Origins of Olympus AU)Where stories live. Discover now