Ch 14 - Have a House, Build a Home

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Camp Oasis (Focus: Mania)

Mania sighed. In front of her, her half-brother, Iroh, sat, staring with inquisitive eyes. She stared down at the kotatsu, its warmth unwelcome.

Iroh stood from the table and walked over to her, "Are you alright?"

She groaned, "I wish I were. This was sudden, you know? Like, I don't even know what to do anymore."

Iroh patted her shoulder sympathetically, "Yeah, I understand that. Being a demigod is...challenging. Many things and people will want you for malicious reasons, and there's almost always a target on your back."

She glared at him, "Well isn't that reassuring."

He lightly flicked her forehead, "That's why we have places like Camp Oasis. We're pretty safe here."

She sighed again and placed her head on his shoulder, "Can we go out and meet people?"



The two found themselves drawn to Momiji's house. She, with a sly smile, let them in. Both declined the offer of sake.

Momiji swirled around one of her bottles, occasionally taking sips. Mania opened up her mouth but snapped it shut. Momiji raised an eyebrow, "You want to say something, Mania?"

She frowned, "Well, you see, I was wondering, um...I forgot."

Momiji frowned, back to swirling her drink, "Alright, well," she got up and stretched, "how about we go outside and see other pantheons?"

Mania and Iroh exchanged glances, Momiji seemed...hungry for something, but they both got up and followed her out of the house. This was bound to be something.

Bryan's Mansion (Focus: Elio)

Elio landed with River, Blue panting from the effort of lifting two people. River patted Blue on the snout and returned it to its amulet. The two stared up at the mansion, one filled with surprise and the other with glee.

"It's...something," Elio gasped, "I haven't seen something this big for a house since-"

He cut himself off, wincing slightly at River, who stared unimpressed.

"At least this place is better and safer." River mused. He patted Elio's hand, "Let's go inside."

The two walked into the throne room. A bit of wandering in the general area, and hearing a mildly loud shower brought them to the bathroom. River stared at Elio hard, switching between the bathroom and his fiancé. Elio simply knocked on the doorframe.

Bryan popped out, clothes soaked and smelling strangely like a wet dog, "Hi! You're here kinda early."

The two stared at him. He pointed at the large shower; Helios was inside the room, glaring at Bryan.

"Helios desperately needed a bath." Bryan chuckled, "It's been a bit."

Helios snorted from the shower, he looked somewhat like a wet dog, if of course, wet dogs had wings and hooves. Bryan returned to washing Helios, waving away the couple, "I'm not done cleaning out the room for Elio, sorry about that. But, once I'm done cleaning Helios, I can show you the spot. Otherwise, get yourselves used to my house."

River and Elio nodded, wandering the place. River showed off the gardens, the study, the kitchen, the bedroom, the atrium, and the library; this was where they settled down, waiting for Bryan's arrival.

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