Ch 16 - Not a Scratch

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(A/N: I have been informed that it's called a colosseum, not a coliseum)

(A/N: Mentions of serious injury, some graphic with blood)
Camp Oasis (Focus: Kay)

Kay stared at the lineup for the trial. The first group up was Inpu, Cal, Nad, and Mania. The next was Bryan, Lychee, Ricarro, and Momiji. After that were Solis, Magnus, Xylo, and Mario. The last one up was Iroh, River, Davis, and Colin (whose Pantheon almost forgot they were part of the camp). Anyone else was willing to stay in the seating area and cheer on the campers.

The first group had already taken up arms and light armor. Cal was out first, as was unfortunately expected. Mania had gotten out due to a revenge "kill" from Inpu - a stab near the heart had done the trick. Inpu only won because he got Nad near the neck, while Kay disapproved of it but accepted.

In the second group, Ricarro was disqualified for using a summon (poor Inmo) and Momiji basically forfeited. Between Lychee and Bryan, it was close but Bryan used his wings to push Lychee down and put a sword to his neck.

Xylo won the third match with ease. Solis almost won but Scar had gotten in the way and so he had to forfeit (Magnus was very displeased while Mario just winced at the poor soul).

In the last round, it was a surprise to see River, the more pacifist of all the camp counselors, beat everybody up. Kay stared at that fight worriedly, as River gave her a fearful gaze as he finished off Colin, who looked fine with being eliminated.

"Ok everyone, " Kay spoke into the mic, "Break time for 30 minutes. Rest up and get ready to cheer on your friends!"

All pantheons, except Colin and Nad, had separated into their respective groups. Kay sighed as she walked over to River, who was checking on the injuries of his pantheon. The two made eye contact and River excused himself, walking off to the lower area of the arena with her.

Camp Oasis (Focus: Inpu)

From his spot in the Egyptian group, Inpu could see Bryan shying away from his group and their discussion. Frowning, he quickly excused himself and went over to Bryan.

"Hey," he said. Bryan jumped a bit but quickly organized himself, "Oh, hi."

"Are you alright?" he asked, making sure to not attract the other demigods. Bryan shrugged, he didn't seem too pleased at the question. The two awkwardly sat next to each other until Kay came back, dragging River and with a team of demigods. Inpu quickly said bye to Bryan and went back to his Pantheon.

"Campers," Kay announced, "Here I have my emergency team. They are here because of the final round. This next round will decide who takes the headstart, and who gets early bragging rights. The Greeks seem to be in luck, two of their members are in but the Egyptians and Asians still have a chance. "

She looked at RIver, who nodded. 'I have a bad feeling about this,' thought Inpu, who looked at Magnus nervously.

Kay took a deep breath, "The final round will allow all demigods to use anything on their person in this battle. As this is the Trial of Ares, being prepared for battle would be exactly what he would enjoy. Now, could the finalists please enter the arena?"

Inpu, Xylo, Bryan, and River all entered the arena, evenly spreading themselves out. Their respective Pantheons cheered for them, adding to the implicit pressure placed upon them. Inpu noticed River's orb glowing and Xylo wearing a unique set of armor. 

'Well isn't that just great,' Inpu inwardly sighed. He brandished his book and the borrowed sword.

Kay once again spoke, "May your gods give you their favor. Now...Let the battle begin!"

Xylo drew his bow and began to fire at everyone else. Bryan put up a light shield and River had - somehow - summoned water to surround him. Inpu scowled as he was forced to dodge. River noticed this and sent out some of the water, which compressed into blades,  stopping Xylo's barrage and making everyone draw their weapons. 

River and Inpu clashed, while Bryan and Xylo went to size each other up. River's eyes narrowed and he lashed out at Inpu, using the water as a sort of armor, hands covered in water claws. Inpu let out his own, shorter, claws, clashing with River head-on. He quickly noticed how the water seemed to evaporate faster with each strike and he began to push River into a frenzied state.

However, before he could send a final blow to River's chest, someone smashed into River, knocking them both down and Inpu was forced to turn and dodge Xylo's incoming sword. 

A quick flash near his left side and a despaired cry from the Asian Pantheon's side led him to believe River was out of commission and he felt his adrenaline rise. He growled, though, as he realized he was poorly equipped to fight Xylo, who had a strange, almost glazed, look in his eyes. Inpu shadow-stepped away from the demigod, attempting to ambush him from behind. 

Unfortunately, the small moment he spent using his magic led to him missing the notched sword aimed in his direction. Inpu gasped as the sword went flying towards him. Cries from all Pantheons could be heard, but Inpu could not comprehend them.

He closed his eyes and embraced himself for impact, but the quick shink of the sword and pained gasp from a familiar voice led him to open his eyes. 


Inpu's eyes widened and he scrambled to get his bearings together as he watched Xylo rush Bryan, a dagger in his hand. Bryan also seemed to be scrambled, as he struggled to summon a light shield. Inpu jumped in front of Bryan, arms wide and teeth bared, ready for the blow.

A sick lurch in his stomach and Inpu found himself teleported to the stands once more. He looked down at his stomach and found a tear below his ribs; blood flowed from it quickly. He stumbled as one of the Egyptian members made his way to Inpu, touching his wound and muttering something under his breath as the blood under the clothing began to flow past his hands. Inpu's ears twitched and he realized his vision was blurring.

'No, wait, please...,' Inpu tiredly thought as he fainted.


Inpu groggily woke up, nose scrunching up as he smelled medicinal alcohol and other disinfecting smells. It was late, the moon's light peaking from the curtained window. 

Inpu saw that he was in the Infirmary, propped up into a relaxed sitting position, a divider protecting him from other eyes. He looked to his right and saw Bryan laying in a bed. Unlike himself though, Bryan seemed to be asleep, his wing bandaged with a splint. The smell of blood was heavy around him. Ignoring that, Inpu saw that Bryan had also been placed on his front, the wing suspended from a contraction hanging off his bed's frame.

The door opened. Inpu turned his attention away from Bryan and tensed, biting back a hiss of pain. A figure crept in, though Inpu frowned as he realized that he didn't recognize the person's scent.

'It could be an intruder,' Inpu thought, getting ready to defend himself.

A creak from one of the beds said other, though. Inpu listened in, curious.

"River?" the voice choked out, sounding masculine.

Inpu heard as River rustled his sheets. It sounded like the two were hugging.

"Elio, I'm sorry," River croaked out.

The person, Elio, sniffled, "Your eyes love..."

River let out a sad chuckle, "Kay said I'll heal within the week. I'm a demigod....I'll be ok..."

Elio sniffled again, kissing River softly (Inpu blushed in embarrassment), "I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

After a sound of affirmation from River, the two hugged again and it became quiet once more. River shuffled in his bed and soon, soft snores could be heard. Inpu sighed in his own bed, looking back at Bryan, sleep tugging at his eyes. A fading thought filled his head as he closed his eyes.

'I'm sorry.' 

Discovering Recovery (Brypu fanfic/ Origins of Olympus AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن