Ch 18 - The A In Amnesia Means Aphrodite

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Moku (Focus: Colin)

Colin groaned as he woke up in his bed, his brothers already making a ruckus downstairs.

He quickly got dressed and went down, smelling the semi-burnt pancakes on the table. Seek and Austin were cleaning up the small mess they had made near the sink, neither being quite helpful, as Seek was clumsy and Austin kept accidentally burning things.

He quickly snatched a decent pancake from the stack and nabbed a fruit before going outside for a swim.

A loud clang emitted from the kitchen.

He did not deserve this.

Minotaur Lair (Focus: Bri)

Bri groggily opened her eyes, wincing at the stiffness and ache in her wings. She looked around in the dimly lit cell, pinching her nose at the stench of rotten meat and stale blood. She should have just stayed within the campus' grounds instead of venturing with another (very useless) classmate.

Bri tensed as she heard the sound of thundering hooves. She squeaked as she saw the Minotaur in front of the cell, armed with a long blue sword (a scimitar perhaps). It looked at her in interest and stomped away back to what seemed to be the entrance.


Bri closed her eyes and sat against the wall. Hopefully, a rescue party would find her.


Minotaur Lair (Focus: Colin)

Colin stared at the cave entrance with tired enthusiasm. Seek dragged him and Austin into the cave, claiming that they could use this as a bonding moment before Austin had to move over to Camp Oasis as a counselor.

The brothers walked into the cave, slightly tense and wary. They all gagged as they went deeper in, the suspicious stench offending them. They reached a cave-like area, where multiple skeletons and questionable matter laid on the ground.

Austin stopped the group, "Look!"

The echo was loud and the thing he was pointing at flared open it's wings. The brothers gasped and ran over to the cell, realizing it was a person.

Colin stared intensely as Austin melted through the bars, the person seemed familiar. The two made eye contact.

"Hello, I'm Bri daughter of Aphrodite. Thanks for saving me," she said. The brothers blushed from the (not really) compliment.

The three excitedly began to bombard her with questions about where she was from, how she got there, why she was stranded so far from anyone.

Unfortunately, even as she was trying to answer their persisting questions, a roar filled the area.

The group froze.

"Run!" Colin yelled, transforming into a goat, getting ready to ram into anything in their way.

Camp Oasis (Focus: Bryan)

Bryan groggily woke up to a face full of hair. He blinked and got up, concerned about the loud crack coming from his spine and limbs.

He turned around and sat, realizing his wing was in a splint. He looked down at the person next to him, cooing adoringly when he found it to be Inpu.

Inpu's ear twitched and Bryan scratched him between his ears. He realized what he was doing and stopped. Nervously, Bryan looked up from his bed and saw that no one else was in the room. So, this led to him continuing his little petting session.

The constant scratching caused Inpu to stir and sit up. His ears flickered and he looked over to Bryan. He blinked slowly, as though he could not comprehend who was next to him.

Bryan fluttered a bit and Inpu's eyes widened. He yelped and fell off the bed, hissing in pain.

Bryan peeked over the bed, "Hi Inpu."

Inpu stared back up at him, "Morning, Bryan."

Bryan moved over and joined Inpu on the floor. He stared intensely at Inpu.

"Why were you sleeping with me? Did Kay put you up to this?"

Inpu adamantly shook his head, ears pinned and head down, "No! No, no, no. Um, this might sound weird but actually a really pretty horse with wings made me do it."

Bryan stared, "Was it white?"

Inpu looked up,"Yes?"

Bryan blushed ferociously. "Dammit Helios," he mumbled.

Inpu moved closer and was about to ask why when a knock interrupted the two.

Kay walked in, shaking sand off of her scales. She looked over to the two and stopped, "Am I interrupting something?"

The two just sat silently. Kay sighed, "I would scold you both but I have to treat some camels because someone's Pantheon put banana peels on the course."

Inpu sighed, shaking his head, "Sorry about Ricarro."

She shrugged, "You're both fine now. Bryan, I just need you to not fly around on your own for a bit and Inpu, you should probably not join the next competition."

She paused, "Actually. Bryan, as your counselor, you are also ordered to not be in the next competition."

Bryan deflated but nodded regardless.

With that, she shooed them out of the building.

Bryan stood awkwardly, and Inpu grabbed Bryan's hand, papers in the other, "Let's stay at the Egyptian Pantheon."

Bryan blushed and followed.

Moku (Focus: Colin)

Colin stood guard, surrounded by the Cocos. They had bandaged Bri up and Austin had said he needed to go do something, leaving the other two behind. He had looked tense and this made Colin suspicious. Seek had gone out to find some things to "impress the new girlfriend".

The girl in question shifted in the bed and startled awake. Her wings flared out and the Cocos scrambled away, with Colin on edge. She looked around until she made eye contact with Colin.

She frowned, "So, what am I doing here? I just wanted to get back to my school, like..."

Colin responded, "We don't knows where that is and well, you see, um, we don't get a lot of guests sooo... "

Bri huffed, and stumbled up, "Excuse me but I didn't ask to be kidnapped by   the Minotaur."

Colin sighed, "My brother, Austin, went to go get some medical supplies from some place called Camp Oasis?"

Bri gasped, and clutched her head in pain. Colin rushed over and grabbed her shoulders, steadying her, "Oh gods are you alright!?"

She looked up at him, sorrowful, "I think I knew an Austin... and Camp Oasis... but... but..."

Colin grimaced, "Is this a bad time to say we could probably help you or?"

She looked up at him, "You mentioned Camp Oasis."

He nodded.

She frowned, "Something feels off... do you mind if we visit?"

Colin shrugged, uncertain.

She scowled, "Well, I'm going there whether you like it or not so, bye."

She opened her wings and crashed through the window. Colin gaped.

"What the-" he saw Austin and Seek down near the entrance of their home.

It seems like they were going places today.

Discovering Recovery (Brypu fanfic/ Origins of Olympus AU)Where stories live. Discover now