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"I was wondering if you wanted to come out on a date today." He whispered, his eyes never leaving mine.

I bit the inside of my cheek, desperate to keep my face from breaking out into a big cheesy smile. "I would love to." I grinned, bringing my hand from his hair to cup his jaw and rub my thumb against his cheek.

Of course George and I had gone out and done things together before, but it was never like a date. Most of the time Fred would be with us anyways, and on the occasion that it was the two of us, it was never anything romantic. So it was safe to say I was very excited.

"What did you have in mind?" I queried, continuing to gently caress his cheek.

"Well its nothing fancy, I knew you had some Christmas shopping to do so I thought we could head down to Diagon Alley first and then I have somewhere I want to take you." His hazel eyes beamed, looking almost as excited as I was.

I was kind of relieved it wasn't anything to fancy for our first date, I much preferred some more simple and casual rather than something like a fancy dinner. Going to do some Christmas shopping sounded perfect; even if it was simple, it still warmed my heart to think that George had planned it as a date.

Not the mention that he had somewhere he wanted to take me afterwards, somewhere secret. He told me he wanted to go later on in the day, just as it started getting dark which was usually around 4pm in the winter months. He also recommended wearing something comfortable and casual, wanting to make sure I kept warm in the cold weather.

I grinned with delight before kissing all over George's face playfully. He screwed his face up as I continued to peck every spot on his face. He finally stopped me, pushing me off of him slightly to lean over me.

I giggled as he began repeated my actions, kissing all over my face, humming in amusement as he did. His soft lips tickled my face and I squirmed underneath him, only causing him to do it more.

My giggles slowly turned into quiet laughter, begging George to stop as he stared down at me with a smug look on his face.

To the right of us, a low groan could be heard coming from Fred's bed. We both glanced to see him rubbing his eyes and stretching, before lazily turning onto his side to greet us, "Morning dickheads." His eyes were barely open and he had a lazy smile on his face.

Before either of us could respond, Fred laid on his back once more before beginning to dramatically stretch all of his limbs, looking at though he was being exorcised. He hummed loudly in pleasure as he stretched as far as he could before eventually relaxing back down.

George and I both shook our heads and chuckled at how dramatic he was before all of us got up to head down for breakfast.


So far the day had been great. We spent the morning decorating the house and the Christmas tree with ornaments whilst I taught the Weasley's some more muggle Christmas music from one of the CD's I brought.

It only took them 30 minutes before they were all was singing 'Merry Christmas Everyone' by Shakin' Stevens at the top of their lungs.

Hermione and I helped Molly knit some scarfs and hats whilst she asked all about Ron and George, telling us how pleased she was that the two of them had 'girlfriends as lovely as we were'.

It was now around 4pm. Harry and Ron were sat around the coffee table playing chess whilst Hermione and Ginny were wrapping tinsel around Fred's body and trying to hang ornaments off of him. Arthur sat at the kitchen table where he usually did, quietly reading the newspaper as Molly chopped some vegetables as she prepared for dinner.

Morning Love. (George Weasley)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat