Part 9

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Remus walks into the house, my nerves still on edge. If he sees what’s in the kitchen I’ll be done for.
“Are you okay?” he asks me. I just nod my head, trying not to seem nervous.
He stares at me knowing that something is up. He starts walking towards the kitchen. I slowly start to panic. He can’t go in there.
I grab onto his arm and pull him towards the sitting room. He looks at me strangely, but it’s fine. I sit him down on a chair, I look around the room looking for anything that could distract him. I found a book that Sirius must’ve left in here a couple days before he was taken. I throw the book at Remus. He grabs it confused.
“I’ll go make us some tea,” I said. “But please, please, stay here.”
I quickly ran to the kitchen. I pick up every single piece of paper that could possibly fit into any folder, not caring if they go with the corresponding file. I run it towards one of the cabinets.

The moment I slam the cabinet door closed Remus walks into the room. He looks at me and then the cabinet.
“I thought the tea leaves were in that one,” I lied through my racing heart.
If Remus knew that I stole from the Ministry, who knows what could possibly happen. I would love to tell Remus about what I’m doing, about Sirius’s file, but he would never understand. He thinks that Sirius is to blame, just because of his family. Not once did Sirius ever think Remus and his lycanthrope was awful and dangerous.
Remus nods his head. I actually start to make tea, while Remus sits down in a chair. 
At least I put the files away.
“I just came to say that I’ll be going away for a couple days,” he said.
“Where too?” I ask. Why would he be going away?

“Going up to Scotland,” he says, “Dumbledore wants to meet.”

I nod my head. That makes sense. I want to ask him about why Dumbledore wants to talk to him, but I want him out as soon as possible. I'm sure if Dumbledore really wants to talk to Remus, then it's for a good reason. No need to worry.

"Right," I say.

I finish the tea and hand it to him. Everything between us is tense. I believe Peter is alive, Remus believes Sirius is a traitor, not one of us wanting to give into the others' opinion. I swear if this tears our relationship apart I don't know what I'll do. I can't lose the only family I have left.

"Will you be okay while I'm gone?" He asks.

"Of course!" I say. "I'll try to visit Harry."

He nods, a smile on his face. It is true, I want to see Harry. Though I don't fully know how I'm going to get to see him with his aunt and uncle around. Maybe they will leave Harry home alone without any supervision and I can sneak in using my otter form. I'm sure they won't notice, they don't seem like the brightest people.

“Well,” he says, putting his cup into the sink. “I should get going, I have to pack and stuff.”

I stand up abruptly, he looks at me as if I’m starting to go crazy. Though in my defense I probably am. I mean, who steals from the Ministry then reads through confidential files?

“I’ll see you when you get back,” I say, showing him to the door.

I open the door, Remus trying to pull back but in a gentle manner. I shove him out the door and give him a reassuring smile. Before he could have time to answer, or even open his mouth, I shut the door. I lean against it, praying that he wasn’t going to knock and make me open the door again. Luckily he didn’t.

Dear Sirius...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon