Part 38

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"Would you look at that," an Auror with Black hair said.

Him and another one Auror with brown hair stand over me. I try to move but the spell prohibits any type of movement.

"So this is the little thief?" The brown haired Auror said.

"We know exactly where to take you," the black haired one said.

"Finite Incotarcum," the brown haired one said. I finally was able to move.

I quickly stand up. No point in trying to run away. Either way I'm going to some holding cell before they decide what to do with me.

"What were you doing anyway?" The brown haired one said.

"Wondering what the Ministry is hiding," I say annoyed.

"Had it occurred to you that the Ministry isn't hiding anything?" The black haired one said.

"The Ministry is always hiding something," I whisper to myself.

"Huh?" The black haired one asked.

"Piss off," I say.

This made the black haired one get mad. He grabs onto my right arm with a firm grip. The brown haired one shook his head but followed suit.

They drag me out of the room, down the hallway. Still pretty empty from when I was making my way to the room.

"I hope you get a couple months in Azkaban for your theft," the black haired one said.

"But then I wouldn't have the satisfaction of winning the trail," I said sarcastically.

His grip tightens around my arm. We walk into the elevator and down a couple of stories before they open back up.

A large group of people stop walking to stare when they see two Aurors holding a witch. I need to find a way out of this, I was putting the files back. It's not like I was stealing more. So if I'm finding a loophole, I didn't do anything wrong. People barrow files all the time.

I look through the crowd of people, hoping that I notice anyone that could possibly get me out of this. 

That's when I spot Dumbledore.

"Albus," I call out to him. Both Aurors push me forward as a sign to keep walking. "Albus!"

He turns towards me. He locks eyes with me. This is the moment. This is when he is going to help me. He knows I didn't do anything (completely) wrong.

I give him an encouraging smile to help me, but instead he breaks eye contact with me and walks deeper into the crowd.

What is he doing? Why isn't he helping me out? He knows what I've done, so it's not like he is helping me through the dark.

"Keep moving," the brown haired one whispered to me.

What am I to do now?

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