Part 30

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A couple weeks after the Snivellus inconvenience, I get the boys ready for our lunch date with Andromeda and Teddy.

I usually meet up with them when Remus goes back home for the full moon. Just trying to catch up. Mostly for Andromeda. Always wants to make sure that I'm okay.

"Ready to go?" I ask Leo and Reggie in a baby voice. They both laugh back at me with smiles.

I pick them up and set them into the double seated stroller. I walk out the door, making sure to lock it behind me.

Wasn't long before we made it to the Cafe. I look around the outside, trying to see if Ted or Andromeda have made it yet. We were the first ones.

I go inside and order a black coffee and one cup of warm milk. They swiftly give me my order and I head back outside. I grab an empty table before grabbing out Leo and Reggies sippy cups.

A couple walks by the Cafe, smiling and giggling. The man wraps his arm around her shoulder, bringing her head to his lips. A blush forms on her cheeks.

Must be nice to have that. A happy life. Not saying that I'm not happy, I am. I have Leo and Reggie, what else could I need in my life? I have family who will be there for me for whatever I need and Andromeda. But it's not complete. Hopefully at some point, I will feel whole. That losing Sirius won't be as difficult as it is now. But until then, I'm empty.

"Hey there," Andromeda says, blocking my view.

I give her a tight smile. I look around for Teddy but don't see him. Must’ve gone inside to order some coffee or something.

"How are you love?" She asks me.

"I'm great!" I said. 

She gives me a strange look, like she can tell if I'm lying. Though I'm not, I'm doing great. For the moment.
She leans back in her chair shaking her head. A smile replaces worry lines.

"Just me being a mother," she said.

I laugh it off with her. A couple minutes later Teddy walks out with two cups of tea.

"Have you read about the trials?" Andromeda asks.

"Can't believe they are still going on," I say. "How many followers could Voldemort have?"

"How many people could one actually trust?" Teddy chimes in. "The Ministry could've done a better job at collecting them."

Andromeda slaps Teddy's arm. He shrugs her off.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Teddy heard a rumor that people in the Ministry don't want to catch them," Andromeda said. "Or that they are lowering security so they can catch whoever is helping Death Eaters."

My heart quickens. Could that be why there wasn't anyone in the records room? And why does Sirius's file have missing? People in the Ministry are tampering with evidence?

"It is of course just a conspiracy," Teddy said.

I look up at him, wondering what he is talking about.

"You looked worried," Teddy said.

I shake off the thought. I am worried, but they don't need to know why. Who knows what Andromeda will do if she found out I stole from the Ministry.

"Anyway," I said. "How's Tonks?"

They both smile, taking the conversation away from my thievery adventures. Hopefully that never comes back up. But I will need to take those files back as soon as possible.

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