pujikasathli Apsara

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Pujikasathli nymph-4

Then the air deity was pleased with Anjana's penance, Pawan Dev entering his ear and gave him a boon, that there will be a penetrating, prosperous Mahabali son, such as Sun, Agni and Suvaran, like you. After this head, he was pleased to be in the worship of Shiva and austerity, and Shiva asked him to ask for a boon, Anjana asked Shiva that he has to give birth to Shiva's incarnation to get rid of the sadhus, so by his womb.

By saying 'Okstu', Shiva became understood. One day after this incident, Anjana was worshiping Shiva and on the other hand, in Ayodhya, Maharaj Dasarath, Kaushalya of his three queens, Sumitra and Kaikeyi to get son Gems, Srewd Rishi On the basis of the sacrifice of the yagna, Agni Dev appeared and gave a golden character (bowl) of Kheer and said, "Rishivar! Feed this kheer king all three. The desire of the king will be fulfilled."

While feeding the three queens, a miraculous incident happened during this time, a bird took a little kheer in the bowl of that kheer and dropped in the hand of Lean Anjana in austerity. Anjana assumed him as a Prasad of Shiva. Then Hanuman ji (Venar's face, Hanuman ji was born in the form of Anjana's son in the Traeta era,

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