ghritachi Apsara

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Ghritachi Apsara- Ghritachi was a famous nymph.  It is said that once Indra sent it to dissolve the penance of Rishi Bharadwaj.  Bhardwaj was bathing in the Ganges and returning to his ashram. 

Just then, his eyes fell on the abomination who was bathing in the river and coming out.  Bharadwaj Muni stopped there, seeing her sensual body and full parts in wet clothes.  He tried to control himself by closing his eyes but he failed to do so. 

Opening his eyes, he began to admire her look and beauty.  There was ejaculation on seeing Bharadwaj suffering from sex.  Then he put the semen in a Droni (earthen vessel) from which Dronacharya was born.

According to another legend, she was the daughter of Kashyapa Rishi and Pradha.  According to mythology, Ghritachi had intercourse with many men.  Actually Indra, the king of heaven, used to send these apsaras to the earth to break the penance of sages.
It is said that the son of Ghritachi was also from Vishwakarma.

-Rudrashva had ten sons and ten daughters born to Ghritachi.
- The King of Kannauj, Kushnabh had produced a hundred girls from its womb.
The son of Maharishi Chyvan had created a son called Ruru from the womb of Late.

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