Apsara menka

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Nymph menka -4

When Shakuntala was small, only one day Maneka left her and Vishwamitra again and again the Indralok went away. After leaving Maneka, Shakuntala's laluna and education-initiation was done by the sage gravis, so they were his dharma.

The same daughter was ahead of love marriage to the emperor Dushyant, from whom he received the son. This son was a Bharat. The calculation of Bharat of King Dushyant and Shakuntala of Puruvial is in 16 best kings described in 'Mahabharata'.

Apsara Sadhana: It is believed that the nymphs like the smell of rose, jasmine, Rajnigandha, Harsingar and the rainy season. They appear very beautiful and almost 16-17 years of age. During Apsara Sadhana, the seeker has to restraint on his sexual emotions, otherwise the practice may be destroyed.

When the sadhana is concluded with the resolution and mantra, the Apsara appears, then the instrument offers a perfume with the rose. He is given a sweet, paan etc. made from milk, and then it is taken to live with life. These miraculous powers have the ability to make your life beautiful.

How many are the Nassaras: According to the scriptures, 11 nymphists were the chief valley in Devraj Indra's paradise. These are 11 nymphs -

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