Chapter 20: A Filming Crew!?

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~Third Person POV~
Its already Day 4 of training camp and as soon as the teams got up,they prepared for the day.

"Arisa~" Y/N's voice cooed out and all the attention was on them "Hello Little Flower!" The girl named Arisa said as she hugged the little girl "So were literally doing this?" Y/N asked still in disbelief of what they were gonna do "Little Flower~ Dont be nervous! You'll do Great!" She assured her "Ms.Fumi,If you want to release a new album,You better start now, Ms.L/N here might back out when she changes her mind...." A girl said "Yeah,We should....Mai?Where do we practice again?" Arisa asked, Mai face palmed and said "The room is still getting set up,Go use the Gym or something..." Mai said while shooing the two girls off,

"Morning Guys~" Y/N said as she walked beside Arisa, "Why is there a filming crew here?" Suga asked "Mommy's Company gave her a Contract!" Aiko said, She was on Suga's shoulders "Yeah!Mommy is so Cool!" Nika said in agreement,She was on Daichi's shoulders "Let's go watch Mommy!" Aiko beamed and she gestured to be put down along with Nika, The whole school knew about it in a flash and they made their way to the Gym where Y/N was practicing, She was Singing while playing the drums and Arisa assisted her with the other instruments while other crew members did the same.

She finished singing and got up from behind the drum set, "You did so Good! I can't believe I was assigned to train you!This is like a Dream! I'm actually going to train someone who's going to be a hit!" She said while jumping up and down excitedly "Thanks Arisa..." she said "Since after your training camp,Your gonna have your first concert! Your fans are increasing! Look!" She said as she pointed at her phone who had a record of one of her performances, and she was right, Numbers kept adding and adding

"Now let's move on to your Dance!" Arisa exclaimed, "Arisa,Wait a second, If were gonna get all sweaty then...Let me just take this off..." She said while pointing at her over sized shirt "Sure!" Arisa said happily while walking to the clearer part of the gym, Y/N freaking took off her shirt infront of everyone but she was wearing a outfit underneath since training is abit tiring she needs to put on something just in case

" She said while pointing at her over sized shirt "Sure!" Arisa said happily while walking to the clearer part of the gym, Y/N freaking took off her shirt infront of everyone but she was wearing a outfit underneath since training is abit tiring sh...

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(Imagine this without the shirt like thingy and it's just the shorts and bra)

She threw the shirt beside her bag and Arisa happened to be filming that time with her phone, her phone was on screen mirroring on the nearby TV and it was huge....

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