Chapter 4: Late Introduction

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~Time Skip Brought to you by Y/N's Arrow~
-Y/N's POV-
Practice was almost done,the Gym Doors opened, I saw A Blonde and RavenHaired girl with glasses come in the gym, Kiyoko Shimizu....

She found Daichi On a Videocall with me by the Clubroom last Year and from that day on me and Kiyoko became Best Friends, as well as Yachi.We would have occasional calls too when we have time or Daichi is Busy,They also knew that I was coming back,I told them I was gonna surprise Daichi so they kept it a Secret.

"Shimizu-Senpai! Yachi-Chan!" I called out to them and when they looked towards me, Kiyoko smiled and walked while Yachi ran towards me, "Fairy-Senpai!" (Yachi and Kiyoko gave you that nickname)She hugged me and when I let go of her Kiyoko hugged me too"It's really good to finally see you in person!" Yachi said "Daichi used to talk a lot about you while we cleaned up the gym..." Kiyoko said and the three of us just giggled, we didn't notice the attention we were getting and while the boys were distracted a Volleyball was hit the wrong way, coming straight towards us, My Reflexes Reacted and Received the Ball "Gracefully".

"You still know how to play N/N" Asked Daichi "Ofcourse I Do DaiDai~" I replied "That little girl can play!?" A surprised voice came from the other side of the gym, It belonged to a Raven Haired Setter, "Oh N/N here has been playing with me since we were little! She's even better than any of us...She's fast and has strength,Her Aim and Precision are very accurate! Too bad she doesn't have a lot of energy so she decided to play Archery..." Daichi explained, " Is that your way of saying your Sorry or is it because I will shoot you in a matter of seconds....Captain?~" I said grabbing a Ball and Doing A Serve


The Volleyball echoed through the Gym, Eyes were on me, It's okay as long as I'm not getting cornered.... "Uwahhh!!!! That's so cool!" A jumping Tangerine exclaimed infront of Me, "He looks like a Human Tangerine...." I tilted my head, earning laughs from the team but then I realized what I just said "G-Gomen! I tend to be a little blunt sometimes!" I bowed " It's alright! I'm Hinata Shoyo!" The Tangerine said as he took out his hand

"Y/N, L/N Y/N" I introduced myself, "THE PRINCESS OF THE ARROW! I knew you looked familiar!" Shouted another small guy with a blonde tuff in his spiked her, I wasn't that Short, I'm only 4'11 the same as Yachi... " Yeah...that's me..." I said "I'm Ni-"

" Nishinoya Yuu, Second Year, Libero" I cut him off, "Daichi told me about all of you during our calls" I explained, "Sugawara Koushi, Setter, A Third Year like Me!" I said "Third Year!? Your a Third Year!?" Interrupted Another Second year, "Tanaka Ryuunoske, Second Year, Spiker, please refrain from yelling...." I said "Chikara Ennoshita, 2nd Year, Wing Spiker" "Kozuhito Narita, Second Year, Middle Blocker" "Hisashi Kinoshita, Second Year, Spiker" "Asahi Azumane, Third Year, Ace" "Tsukishima Kei, First Year, Middle Blocker, And A SaltyDinoBeanPole" "Yamaguchi Tadashi, First Year, Pinch Server and the most adorable freckled boy" "Tobio Kageyama, First Year, Known as the Genius Setter" "Hinata Shoyo, First Year, Middle Blocker, Decoy and cutest walking Tangerine" I pointed out each and every member

"And Then There's My Captain." I looked away from the boys and focused my gaze on the brown haired Captain who was trying to avoid me, "Sawamura Daichi, Third Year, Wing Spiker. My Childhood Bestfriend that's constantly teasing me but when I get mad at him, he thinks I'll murder him...How scared are you DaiDai~"I said looking at the Frozen and stiff state of Daichi,

"Who wouldn't be scared N/N? Your Aim was perfect!" Daichi said "Oh come on!It only happened a few times! It's normal~" I answered him "Do you call your Perfect Aims Normal!? You Pinned two boys to a nearby tree using your bow and arrow! I was by the Bench under the tree and you were in the Hallway!" Daichi stated,slightly trembling "They were Bullying You DaiDai!" I said "Still! Your too good!" Daichi said "Daichi! I pinned them to the tree! Not Kill them! Besides! I aimed it to be that way~ I'd didn't want to be a 13 year old Murderer!" I smirked while I cross my arms,Daichi just sighed in defeat and hugged me, "I'm sorry Fairy..." Daichi apologized

"I'm telling Auntie Your Scared of me so maybe that way I could be in charge while she joins Mom in the US....." I stated, " Not a Chance Fairy~ I'm In Charge! Even how much your great at cooking,I won't let you be in charge! I'm your Captain after all~" he whispered the last part,making me blush and hit his chest weakly, I let out a small Yawn 'I was running around all day,my stamina is really low...since I just arrived' "T...tired..." is the only thing I got out of my mouth before falling asleep into Daichi's arms.

~Daichi's POV~
"T...tired..." she said before she fell asleep, falling into my arms. Everyone stood there in shock,they thought she passed out, "She's okay, just tired...I bet she's been running around all day and it drained her Stamina, She must be tired from the trip...." I said as I carried her little figure towards the bench.

"You can go home early today Daichi, we can take care of the cleaning besides Your little Princess needs abit of Care at the moment" Suga said,I grabbed my bag as I nodded, "Thanks Guys! Meat buns after practice tomorrow!" I said as I walked out the Gym with my bag on my right shoulder and
Y/N's head resting on the left as I carried her like a child while heading home.

'Y/N,You haven't changed a bit.' I sighed and unlocked the front door, "Daichi!Welcome Home!" My mom said as she walked out the kitchen, "She must've been so tired...." My mom said as she saw the sleeping figure of Y/N hanging onto my body.

"She hasn't changed abit"

(I don't own the Picture!)Word Count: 1069

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(I don't own the Picture!)
Word Count: 1069

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