Chapter 5 : Cuddles and Hugs

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~Third Person POV~
~Daichi's POV ~

I woke up to a small arm wrapped around me, It was Y/N, Waking up beside her in the morning feels great, I just woke up but I feel my day is already completed, Suddenly the door swung open,revealing my Silver Haired Bestfriend Suga but he wasn't alone....

Nishinoya and Tanaka were also here, They were about to Shout but the sight of a small girl hugging me caught their eyes, Y/N was sleeping peacefully,my other hand on her waist while she hugged me, "Don't start this early." I whisper-yell to the three boys, Suga, Nishinoya and Tanaka took out their phones and started to take pictures "Get Out! Your gonna wake her up!" I Whisper-Yell again but then A slight movement and a soft yawn came beside me,

"Morning Captain...." Y/N said in a sleepy tone, She then sat up and rubbed her eyes,I sat up beside her "What time is it?" She asked as she laid her head on my shoulder, "6:05" I said as I ran my fingers through her H/L H/C "it's so early~I'm still Tired~" she said, "I know you are but we have to get up....Come on..." I picked her up and carried her to the kitchen,

Mom was cooking breakfast as I entered the kitchen with a sleepy Y/N in my arms and three guys following behind and I'm guessing they were still taking pictures and filming , "Good Morning You Two!" Mom greeted happily "Morning Mom..." Y/N said in a hush tone, 'She called my Mom her Mom...' "Ah... I mean..."  Y/N said in a Sleepy Voice "It's okay Little Fairy,You can call me Mom if you want" Mom said while she ruffled Y/N's hair as I Sat her down on the table, "Mhmm...Thank you Mom" she said,

I took a small towel that she uses on her face and dampened it with Freezing Water, I then Placed it on her neck making her Jolt up but was still a bit sleepy, I wiped her face with the cold towel and it woke her up "Thanks DaiDai...." she said, she suddenly threw the towel onto my face and rubbed it, "I'm showering First!" She said as she got up "No...I'm showering first!" I stood up and then i started chasing her in the kitchen to the Living room.

~Sugawara's POV~
I've rarely seen this side of Daichi...
I heard Daichi's mom sigh, "those two never change, they used to this a lot when they were kids...It's been 5long years since I've heard that boy shouting at Y/N,Trying to catch her..." She said as she placed down the food on the table, she turned to the counter and took out Daichi's bento box and opened a cabinet above the counter, "Those two loved chasing each other since they were little..." She said as she took out another bento box "In cases like this, Daichi chasing Y/N in the house from the ground floor, He'll be chasing her around the kitchen and living room and when she finally escapes, she rushes up the stairs,and then you'll hear a thump and a name being called out,indicating that's the one who fell down at the hallway....and that would"

And like it was on Cue,We Heard a thump


And a scream, "They never change..." she said as she continued packing up the 2 bentos, "I'm relieved that Y/N is here while I'm away..." She sighed, Then Daichi came down the stairs with a tomato face, "Well that's new..." She walked over to Daichi and gave him a hug "I'll be leaving now, Your In charge.Watch over little Fairy for me.Don't hurt her or else I'll book a flight back here in a matter of seconds.Your Father's dropping off your little sister tonight.Take Care,Behave and I support the both of you.....If ever so,Use Protection ~" she teased Daichi as he grew more red

"Oka-San!" Daichi buried his red face in his arms, "Just saying,Your both already Mature... Okay...Bye, I love both of you!" She said as she gave her son a quick kiss on the cheek and went towards the door,a taking her luggage with her.

"Where is Auntie Miyuki going?" I asked "She's going to the US to stay with Y/N's mom" Daichi said


We heard from upstairs,Daichi ran upstairs while Me,Tanaka and Nishinoya decided to wait on the couch.

~Daichi POV ~
As I came through the door just to see....Y/N on the floor...Crying?

(I don't own the picture)"Y/N!" I run towards her "Hey,It's Okay

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(I don't own the picture)
"Y/N!" I run towards her "Hey,It's Okay...What happened?Why are you Crying?" I asked her as I hugged her on the floor, "I remembered Dad...then I c-couldn't breathe..." she said gripping onto my arm,

"Y/N...Calm Down,I'm Here,I won't leave you" I said as I drew circles on her back to calm her down, "Wait for me okay? I'll get ready and we'll eat breakfast,okay?" I said as I wiped away her tears, She looked up to me and Nodded, I got up and got ready

-Time Skip Brought to you by the Boy who was pinned to the tree-
~6:30 AM~

I finished getting ready, I went back to my room to get Y/N, I held her hand as we walked back downstairs, we were eating and she was oddly Silent,

"Hey...It's okay..." I said as I finished my food and got up to put the dishes on the table and i sat back down and fed her the last piece she had on her plate, I Washed the dishes as she sat on the counter,

"N/N..." I said and she turned her gaze to me "I'm Worried..." she said, "Don't worry, I will never leave you...or Hurt you....Now go get our bags from upstairs" I gave her a peck on the forehead and she gave me a small smile as she got down from the counter and hurried upstairs, I finished washing the dishes and went to the living room and waited for her.

'She had an anxiety attack...'

Word Count: 1063

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