Chapter16:Love and Meals

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The first day of camp is going well, Me and the managers were happily chatting as we made Dinner for the Players.

Daichi came bursting through the door and ran up to me, We were all started, Daichi then Held me up and spun me around "Your Really Here!" He said as he buried me in his embrace, The other managers that didn't know that we were a couple was scared for Daichi....

"Oh, right, Girls this is my Boyfriend, Sawamura Daichi" I introduced him and he waved "Can I borrow Little Fairy for a Second?" Daichi said and the girls nodded, he dragged me out the kitchen and hugged me in the Hallway,

"You need to stop doing that...I'm gonna keep on Wanting you and it's driving me Crazy!" He said as he hugged me tighter and I just chuckled at him while I patted his head "Then Let's be Crazy Together..." I laughed out "Your already Crazy." He said and I hit his head "Shut Up." I groan "Crazy or Not I still Love You." He said, I felt my face heat up and I push him away "Go back to Practice Sawamura,I'm needed in the Kitchen~ Good Day!" I said as I turned around only to be pulled back and be met by Daichi's kiss as he wrapped around his arms around me, I kissed back and when we pulled apart, he hugged me again but this time I was lifted of the ground and he didn't want me leaving,

"DaiDai....You have Practice..." I said trying to break free but he only hugged me tighter and buried his face on the crook of my neck "I missed you... Be more careful..." He said "Maybe next time I'll actually bleed to death or worse...." I sarcastically Stated only for Daichi to Suck my Neck, I tried to not make a noise but a little moan escaped my mouth ad it made Daichi Smirk "Daichi....Stop...." I barely said it and he didn't even listen, he started sucking it abit more and I couldn't control myself.

"Daichi....We need to stop....Someone might see us...." My voice barely Audible and he finally stopped "You taste good..." He said and it ended up me Elbowing him in the Gut "You left a mark!" I said "Your Lucky I love you or else I might've already shot you..." I gave him a quick kiss and ran to the classroom I was staying in, I don't normally use make up but My mom slipped in some make up in my bag so I'm thankful for that, I applied it to my bruised neck and ran back to the Kitchen,

I was assigned to prepare food for the Archers since there are like 15 of us so it was easy, I made them some Udon,Tempura and Onigiri.

After a few minutes the Archery Club was sitting in the dining area,Happily chatting with each other, The Volleyball teams occupied the other seats but they were gonna be eating the food that the Other Managers made, I helped tho, I went out the Kitchen,Balancing 3 Trays and Yumi,one of the archers took one Tray and Ami did the same, We placed the Food on the table and we started eating.

~Daichi's POV~
"Lucky..." I muttered underneath my breath but Suga heard it "Lucky what?" Suga asked "I just miss Y/N's cooking....Lucky Archers....Y/N made their meals...." I said and shoved a spoonful of food into my mouth,I was surprised that it tasted like Y/N's cooking

"Y/N helped us with everything, She cooks really well.... She even taught us a few Techniques..." Kiyoko said "Fairy-Senpai is Amazing! She moves around the Kitchen like she knows every nook and cranny, She helped us prepare the food while she separately prepared the Archers Food!" Yachi Beamed "You really know Y/N well Daichi, You can even taste her cooking..." Tanaka said "Her cooking isn't ordinary,You'll know that if you grew up with her,She started cooking when we were 9 and loved experimenting on the flavors so I got used to it" I explained as everybody took spoonfuls of food and their eyes grew wide "See what I'm talking about?" I said "Yeah...We get what you mean...."Asahi said

"FAIRY-CHAN/SENPAI/SAN PLEASE MAKE FOOD FOR US EVERYDAY! If it isn't a problem!" The whole Dining Area said, Everyone found out that Y/N was the one who cooked the food "Ofcourse! Thank you for liking the food, Me and the Managers made them!" She said getting up and ruffling the hair of the Archer beside her "We didn't even do much Y/N-San! Don't be so modest!" Fukurodani's Manager, Kaori Suzmeda said from the other side of the Room, "Kaori-San, I had a lot of help from you guys, I can't take all the credit~ Well then, if your all done eating, you can all go and do whatever you want, Just leave those dishes there~" Y/N said and she went in the Kitchen again.

After eating,we all left the Dining Area and got ready for Bed,The managers followed after but I didn't see Y/N anywhere, I checked the school buildings,Gyms and she wasn't there, I then hear a giggle as I walked past the open field, it was Y/N and Inarizaki's Volleyball Captain,

They seemed close....I stared at them for awhile, They were Hugging....Y/N was giggling while he was saying something.... I felt hurt,I was Jealous and I started jumping into conclusions....

'Is She Cheating On Me?' I walked back to the School Buildings and sat by a bench, I cried and after I calmed down I went back to the room we were staying in and just headed to sleep, ignoring the Team's Questions.

'How could she do this?'
'I feel so angry and sad at the same time, It's driving me Crazy....'
'Then let's be Crazy Together? I said that to her and now everything reminds me of her!
Fuck this Stupid Feeling!'
'I hate this...I fucking hate feeling like this! Just Why!?'

Word Count: 1045

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