Chapter 9: Suga found out!

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-Y/N's POV-
It's been 2 weeks.We weren't keeping it a Secret that me and Daichi were being Parental Figures to two little girls but we still haven't told the others about it.

Every Morning I would wake up and get ready for school, Daichi and I would take turns with cooking and taking care of the kids,after getting ready,we'd drop off the kids at a nearby daycare while me and Daichi were at school and then I would pick them up from Daycare after club practice,My Practices usually end early so I pick the kids up and head home and on weekends we would go to the park or just bond together.

It's been like this for the last two weeks but then this morning Suga decided to pick us up so we can walk to school together, The two kids had a nightmare last night and woke us up in the middle of the night so they fell asleep between me and Daichi, all three of them were hugging me.

"Love Birds!Wake up!" Suga came bursting through the bedroom door,Daichi reached for the nearby pillow and threw it to Suga, hitting him square in the face,he still hasn't noticed the two little girls sleeping peacefully, Suga wasn't taking '5 more minutes' as an answer so he pulled of the blankets off the bed and he noticed the two girls snuggled up my chest, resting peacefully between me and Daichi.

"Mama...C-cold..." Aiko shivered as she hugged me tighter, I was still half asleep and by now Daichi sweat dropped as he saw Suga's reaction, "Explain." Suga said as he emitted a dark aura around him, I jolted up and looked over my shoulder, looking at Suga "You better hand me back that blanket before my kids catch a cold." I said as I emitted a darker aura making Suga give back the blanket and drag Daichi out of bed.

I got up and took a shower and I got dressed but I didn't put on my socks and blazer just yet because I needed to get the kids ready for the day, 20 minutes later we were done,I made the girls wear matching outfits.

I got up and took a shower and I got dressed but I didn't put on my socks and blazer just yet because I needed to get the kids ready for the day, 20 minutes later we were done,I made the girls wear matching outfits

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We head down stairs, I made breakfast as Daichi was facing Suga's wrath at the living room while the two kids were sitting on the counter talking to each other.

These 3 year old kids decided to call us 'Mommy' and 'Daddy' because we looked like a Family, we didn't really mind, they were kids after all.

I made food for the four of us and while the girls ate I was packing some snacks and our bentos.

"Suga can you let DaiDai go and let him get ready for school? We still have to get the girls to the Daycare!" I reminded him and he let Daichi get ready, "Since when we're you two Parents!?" Suga yelled from the living room "It's been a month or so...." I casually replied "Why didn't you tell me?" Suga said as he sat down on the couch,crossing his arms across his chest "I don't know? We didn't really thought the need of telling you or keeping it a secret...." I said as I putted the prepared food on the counter and sat down to eat breakfast. A few minutes later Daichi came down and his hair damped, The two girls were playing with Suga and I dried DaiDai's hair with a towel.

Suga went ahead to school while me and Daichi headed to the Daycare, "Bye Mommy,Bye Daddy!" The two girls said as they gave both of us hugs and I gave them little kisses on the forehead while Daichi gave them quick hugs, Another girl with orange hair came up to the girls and started playing with them, she was very joyful, it reminded me of one humans tangerine I know, I was is caught up by the thought that I didn't notice a certain Boy was starring at us.

Me and Daichi went to school and of course, where are the odds? The school staff came looking for me, Shiratorizawa wanted to have a friendly competition with me, "I'll be back at Lunch Captain!" I said as I gave Daichi a hug and he patted my head "Don't kill anyone and most of all,Don't hurt yourself... The kids are gonna go nuts if you don't show up at home" I chuckled at his actions and gave him a quick peck on the cheek and ran off to the School Bus.


Word count: 784

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