Chapter 13: Lost Without You

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~Daichi's POV~
I reached the hospital,I was directed to a room, Y/N's Room, They say that she's just sleeping and her injuries weren't too serious but she lost a lot of blood so she needs a lot of rest.

"Hey...It's me..." I said as I walked in the room and sat on a chair beside her, Our parents were on their way back here and the kids are in the care of Suga and Asahi while Kiyoko sat on the couch behind me, "I'm sorry for not being there...." I sobbed and buried myself in my arms as I held onto her hand, The door opened and it was Shiratorizawa's Volleyball Team....

" Is Fairy-Chan ok?" Ushijima asked and I nodded "She just needs rest for the meantime..." I continued "What happened to Little Fairy?" The red head boy asked "She got locked in a Storage Closet and Shattered Glass fell onto her...." I explained "Excuse me,How did you know Y/N-Chan?" Kiyoko asked them "I met her while I was in Vacation in America and I introduced her to the team recently when she came to our school" Ushijima said "Yeah!she even played Volleyball with Us! She was Awesome! She Stopped Ushijima's Attacks and her Attacks were so Powerful while her Sets were So Accurate! She even predicted where the ball was going!" A black haired guy said "That explains why she was tired when we got home...." I said

"You must be Sawamura Daichi, Y/N's Boyfriend?" Ushijima asked "I am." I said "Take good care of her, She's Unique....In a good way..." Ushijima said as he placed down the flowers he brought on the Bedside Table and patted my back "I will.I promise." I said as I looked at him and his gaze softened at the sight of Y/N, "Good, We'll be going now..." Ushijima said as he walked out the room with his team, The room was silent, Kiyoko left after an hour of accompanying me, The kids came in and they fell asleep on the couch.

It was 2:00 early morning when our parents came, I explained what happened, I fell asleep between the kids and our parents got confused of who was Aiko and Who was Nika.

I went to school at Lunchtime and I was silent the whole time, When school was over, I walked up to my locker and I say the Arrow she gave me all those years ago, I felt my tears on my face, I wiped them away and changed into my Practice Clothes, my parents said that they'll take care of the girls, I went inside the gym and everyone stood frozen, The Gym floor had Graffiti on it, Instead of practicing,we cleaned the whole gym.

We found out who it was Miriyu Zena punishment she was going to Training Camp with us as a Helper next week, Y/N was supposed to be there too because of the Archery Club Training, It's at the same school but if she hasn't healed yet she would have to miss it. The doctors said she was healing quickly and was okay.

I haven't spoken to anyone except for Suga, Our parents, Kids and Doctors.
I felt so lost without her...

I am lost without you, Y/N....

Word Count: 562

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