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I would like to thank the person who requested this, and I'm sorry if it isn't written well, or it isn't what you wanted it to be...and I am trying to write the rest of the requests now....

PTSD-post traumatic stress disorder.

A year ago bakugou was diagnosed with PTSD,  ever since then he has had a service dog with him named Nitro, she's the one he sees when everything else fades to darkness, she is the one who calms him down when he gets triggered. Ever since that day he has been home schooled because he wasn't ready to go back to school yet, and no one knew about his PTSD. But next Monday he was going back, not because he wanted to, but because he needed to. he needed to get back to the real world, he needed to not let what happened control his life. What he didn't anticipate was how unprepared he was. 

Monday came so quickly, time his greatest enemy, but now that it is Monday he knew he had to just get through the day, so as after he was getting ready, he made sure all the lights were off and he had everything he needed. Once he left, he made sure the doors were locked, double checking before he began to walk to school with Nitro by his side. As he walked through the school gate he took a deep breath and stopped walking for a moment, Nitro rubbing her head gently against bakugou's leg, to him it was like she was trying to tell him that everything's going to be okay, which gave him the will to keep walking. As he entered the school itself, people started staring, only getting worse form there. Once he entered his classroom, his classmates immediately noticed him walk in. "He's back"  "did you hear what happened to him?" "I heard he was raped" "well I heard he was shot" "I heard he was kidnapped" whispers started to fill the room and the everything fell silent when a bark flooded everyone's ears. Nitro knew all the whispers bothered bakugou. Suddenly bakugou was pushed to the corner of the classroom and everyone was surrounding Nitro, trying to pet her and call her away from bakugou, everyone was so loud and everyone was to close to bakugou, the noise filled his ears and someone touched him and then someone screamed  and bakugou dropped to the floor, his knees to his chest and his hands covering his head as he started to rock back and forth gently while his breath increased. "No no no just go away go away" bakugou mumbled. A flash of that night popped into bakugou's head, 'the rain pored down hard, bakugou could feel the pain of his head being rammed into the wall, hands all over his body, hands that weren't his. a gun pointed to his head "shut up and take it you bitch" a rough voice said.'     "NO PLEASE GO AWAY please go away please go away please go away please go away" everyone else in the room fell silent but bakugou only heard the words of person who hurt him, only felt that persons hands. Mina slowly walked up to bakugou and put a hand on his arm and bakugou screamed " NO PLEASE DONT TOUCH ME" he started to shake and he didn't realize that he was crying but he was. Nitro couldn't help because bakugou was already in to deep, though the doggy tried her best to sooth him, but nothing worked. The class wanted to call a teacher but their teacher was in a meeting. Bakugou started rocking harder his head gently hitting the wall behind him. 'bakugou heard a gun shot, he didn't know if it hit him but he passed out. the next thing he knew he was in a basement. chains held his wrists up " h-hello? help me p-please.." bakugou let out a small plead.'  "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME" he yelled out, he was rocking harder now, his head pounding against the wall. " Someone call his mother or something!" Mina said looking at the crowed of people standing behind her "bakugou it me, its just me, no ones going to hurt you, look at me bakugou." Bakugou didn't move, other then the rocking. He didn't hear what mina was saying, all he heard was the voice of the person in the memories, the sound of the chains raddling when bakugou pulled on them. 'The person came into the room, bakugou squirmed making the chains rattle, "keep it quiet before I hurt you" a can was thrown at bakugou, it didn't hurt him, but it scared him. "lets have a little fun" the person said and bakugou screamed and cried but nothing stopped the persons steps as they got closer.'  "No no no stop please stop STOP" he cried out and then  he stopped rocking but now he was hyperventilating and crying harder "why me.... " he started rocking again, Nitro came up to him and curled up beside him, "just MAKE IT STOP" " no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't! just let me go! " he mumbled out, his voice getting louder as he continues to speak. "Katsuki..bakugou, snap out of it, just look at me please, no ones gonna hurt you" mina put a hand on bakugou's arm, and he goes silent. The memories gone. Bakugou stood up and ran out of the classroom Nitro following him, he ran all the way home. once he got home he called his mother. "Hey honey, is everything okay?" "Mom i-.....he came into my mind again, everything he did, everything he said. nothings working mom....the memories are never gonna go away. why me?...why did this happen to me? I just wanna make it stop....how do I make it stop?..."  "I'm on my way home, is Nitro with you?" bakugou just made a small 'mhm' sound "how about you cuddle with her? and remember that the doctor said you can try art therapy to help draw your focus to something else..when I get home, we can talk about what happened okay?" bakugou mumbled out a small "okay" and they hung up. Bakugou walked to his room, and sat down on his bed with his knees to his chest, when he remembers what his mother said and he calls Nitro into his lap, cuddling with her. It helped a bit, and when his mother got home, she came into his room and they talked about what happened and by the end of the conversation they were both in tears, bakugou trying to deal with everything that's going on in his head, and all the words that are coming out of his mouth. His mother trying to deal with the thought of knowing her son is hurting and there's not much she can do about it. They both ended up falling asleep, and Nitro still in bakugou's arms, her front paws were placed on each of bakugou's arms like she was cuddling him back, which she was. Bakugou decided that he wasn't going to go back to school again until he knew he was ready, and until then he would do all of his school from home, with Nitro right by his side. His classmates would stop by to check on him and apoligize for everything, they apoligized a lot,  and they'd stop by just  to  hang out with him and Nitro, and everyone started respecting that bakugou wasn't ready to come back to school, and they all learned about his PTSD. He was still dealing with things, and he wasn't getting any better, but he was trying. 

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