cut for cut, bruise for bruise.

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((This...doesn't really have a ship I guess?...okay maybe a little. And the picture above was made by someone I know..))

Bakugou POV
I sent an explosion towards deku because he couldn't just leave me alone, he always had to be in my way. I also said somethings.. I didn't really mean..."I fucking hate you deku! Why can't you ever just stay out of my life! Life would be so much better if you'd just leave! You don't even belong here! I wish we never met you stupid fucking nerd!--" There was more... Way more... But some of the things I said... I should've just thought about what I was saying... I'm so stupid, now he hates me...
It's been two days since that has happened, and I haven't said anything to deku nor has he spoken to me... But I didn't expect him to... Everyone's been staring at me...ever since I said what I said...all my friends have just left... They sit with everyone... Anyone but me... That's my fault though, I shouldn't have even done anything to deku....i was just... He... I can't even saying anything without it starting with it was my fault I did it.
Seven days after I said what I said, people started... Saying things...doing things....a note with the word "villain!" On it was taped to my door.... I was walking down the hallway when someone came up to me, pushing me on the ground and I tried to do something but I couldn't... They stood over me and started to kick me, punch me, yell at me.... Doing everything to me that I've done to everyone else.... They yelled "go somewhere where you're needed you stupid mistake of a hero"  I did say something back though I said, " You don't know anything....especially not about where I'm needed... " My voice was a type of whisper that people do when they're out of breath, he kept kicking me, then one other person joined in, I couldn't really see who it was.....but I couldn't catch my breath, everything started to fade soon all the pain was gone, my eyes we're closed. I had woke up later in my dorm, someone had brought me there. I still had blood all over my clothes, my face and all over my hands. I tried to stand but I couldn't move, that was until I thought about it.....i did all of this to deku once..... He made it.... So can I.....i just quickly stood up trying to take all the pain at one point, which was the worst idea.....i started to slowly walk to the bathroom to take a shower, (they have in-dorm showers/bathrooms.) I slowly started to strip of my clothing and step in, curling up under the warm water. After that I put on clean clothes, and layed back down.
It's been 12 days. "Villain! " "No one wants you here!" "Everyone hates you!! " Everything everyone's said is true.....i'm never going to be the best.... I'm never going to make know the bad guy in the movies that tries to be good but all the bad inside of him tends to fill his body until he breaks, and everyone realizes they've been friends with the villain.... Thats me.... I'm not a villain. I'm not a villain. I'm not a villain. Right?.... Right!?.... Tell me I'm not a villain!!....please....I'm not a bad guy.... I'm a good person.... I try to be....i try to be nice..... It's all my fault... God deku I'm sorry!.... I'm so sorry.....
It's been 20 days. I'm walking to school now, I hear someone yell villain again and I just mumble "if the shoe fits... " And yes I know I'm calling myself a villain by saying that.... I'm guessing they didn't hear me correctly because they came over to me "what the fuck did you just say to me bitch? " They said and since they were a bit taller then me I just leaned up and said "if the shoe fucking fits. " Then walked away. I don't know today felt like it'll be a good day. I walk into my class and see everyone huddled to one side of the room then I see burnt toast (dabi), stabby bitch(Toga), and desert face (shigaraki). That's when they all look at me, "bakugou please help us!!!...." One of my classmates said and the rest nodded. Then dabi chimed in saying "oh I don't think he will help y'all after what you all did to him. " He said. I just stood there looking blankly, He's a villain... I'm a good guy. No one thinks I am... " They did everything to me I did to them " I said, looking at dabi to see what he had to say. For a moment there it was almost like I could feel my mind break. "You did everything they have done to you to each of them? Every single person?" Dabi asked smirking knowing the answer and being smug about it "no... But I deserved it... " I said still looking at dabi, he started to walk closer to me bending down and whispering something in my ear. He said "we won't try to change you...we'll only make you better. " I already knew I was the bad guy. No... I I can't I'm not the bad guy. "Is that all you came here for? " I asked and dabi answered with "what you? Yes, we've seen everything that's happened, we've seen how all your friends abandoned you, how everyone hates you, how the only one you talk to us yourself. We've also seen how you are, how everyone wants to change you and how they expect so much 'better' things from you. So yes, we came for you. " I looked over at my class mates then at dabi and told him to lean down again as I whispered "one moment, I have some things to say. " and started walking over to my class mates, I see the hope in there eyes thinking I'd save them."You know... -" I looked at deku "- you know, as I sat in my room trying to figure out away to make everything better, I thought about taking my own advice...thinking maybe if I weren't here anymore everyone would be better off, everyone would be able to live there life's. I thought about ways to apologize to you, ways to make things right. Ways to get my friends back-" I look at everyone, and continue speaking "- but this morning, I had realized that I had no friends to begin with... No one cared about me... No one knew that my mother hit me every time I wasn't the best at whatever I did, no one cared that I hated myself. I tried to care about all of you, I really did. But now I just give up. " I had a lot more to say and I was going to say it but not now. I started walking back over to the villains, "burn this place please ~" I mumbled to dabi as he sent me a smirk before setting fire to the classroom, and I and the rest of the villains walked through the portal and were never seen but always heard. It was so much better at the villain base... I had real friends... And people who cared about me, and there was also a lot of mayhem which was a major plus.
It's been 1 year. Being with the villains... Has been... Like having an entire family... That is your best friend too..... And I love it.... But sometimes I do miss my old friends.... Even If they hate me.... Oh and remember when I told you that I wasn't finished tell my old classmates what I wanted to say... I wasn't lying, each year, on each of their birthdays I write them. For example. This one is the first one I wrote to Kiri.

Dear kiri

You know I trusted you, I loved you, I give you everything I had. You are the one I hate the most. You are the one I let the closes, the one I let inside my head, the one I let myself get attached to. I hate you. You probably hate me too and always will, because you never seen the side of me that make me the monster you all seen me to be. That's okay though. I don't care. You remember when we use to cuddle in bed all night? The day I messed up, the day I let a sliver of the very bad things inside me slip through you left. I couldn't hold you, you were the one thing that kept me from breaking and you left me. I didn't sleep, unless I'd get knocked out from being beaten. I hated myself, for being weak, pathetic, helpless. You remember when you said you'd be there for me when I felt helpless? Why didn't you help me? Oh wait that's right I know why, you wanted to watch me fade away into the nothingness I was. But look at me now, I'm everything anyone's ever said I was, I hope I finally made all of y'all proud. You made me hate myself.

Sincerely, the person everyone was right about.

So far I've written everyone two letters, except a couple people I've only written them one. But me and the villains are going to go out tonight and let's just say have fun, so I gotta go bye.

((I'm so sorry it's taking me so long to write things, everything has just been hectic and it's been hard to focus on certain things...and I'm trying to write what was requested at the moment.....))

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