🖤🔪-ish & ☺️.panic attack.

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Bakugous pov.
I noticed something off about kiri, he started acting all fuckjng jittery and shit, and I didnt like that something was up with him,I liked my happy,smiling, talkative kiri..... So as I was walking down the halls I grabbed his arm and yanked him in the classroom and since it was almost time for school to be out no one was in there. And now I'm here with Kiri in the classroom "what the fucks up with you?" I ask and he looked to the side and turns Pale "n-nothing bakugou" hes lying to me....something is definitely up....I cant believe I'm letting myself get this worried..."kirishima tell me what is wrong now or I'll blast your face"i say rather calm. And he freezes and starts hyperventilating "kiri?"  And tears start swiftly rolling off his cheek. "Kiri what's happening are you ok?" Kiri falls to his knees and I go down with him "breath c-cant....breath" he says "kiri, your having a panic attack...?" I say feeling extremely worried "kiri....focuse on me...everything's ok just breath " kiri looks at me and just start shaking more and shakes his head indicating he can't breath still "look at me, your ok....you just have to calm down and breath...think about something that makes you happy.....just take deep breaths" I say...i cant believe I'm being this soft.....kiri keeps his eyes on mine and takes a deep shaky breath  trying to steady his rapid heartbeat....and I do something I never thought I would do....ever. I hugged him trying to help him calm down.

Kiris pov.

I couldn't breathe....I felt like no air was in my lungs, like my whole body was vibrating, it hurt my chest felt empty and my heart wouldn't slow down....I felt like I was gonna die... and bakugou helped me he tried at least....but next thing I know he hugged me...and I was in shock even more and my I kept taking deep breaths like he told me as I hugged him back small tears still sliding down my cheeks. "Are you better?" I hear bakugou mumble, "a l-little...c-can we hug a bit longer...?" I ask preparing myself for him to get mad a yell....but no he mumbles a soft "yes" and keeps hugging me and I felt happy like all the stuff I just felt disappeared...he made it all better. I tighten my grip around him, hugging him tighter " t-thank you bakugou" I hear him sigh and pull away from the hug, and he looked me in the eyes "never tell anyone about this or what I'm about to say"  "o-ok..." I respond scared of what hes gonna say " kirishima your the one and only person I would ever do that for....and I would do it again...I would do anything to make you feel better...I know how hard it can be when things like that happen...they happen to me too. And I want you to know you can always talk to me about anything.....and your the only person that will ever hear this from me...but....I love you and I want you to be able to trust me...to come talk to me about anything...weather its something serious or your just bored and need someone to talk to...know I'm always there and I might be a little pushy but I am always gonna be there.." he says and tears of joy fall down my face as I hug him again tight this time "i....I love you too! And ofcourse I trust you...." he puts his head buried In my chest as I hear him sniff....is he crying?...did I make him cry? "I'm so happy that you love me back....I thought you didnt" he says and sniffs one last, but stays in the hug " why wouldn't I love you bakugou. Your the only one who seen that I needed help and helped...and you've been there for me through everything and  I love you for you....the good and the bad..." bakugou sounds like hes crying again  and he says in a voice that clearly indicates hes crying  " are we together now...?" I nod and reply with a "yes" and he pulls away and wipes his eyes "I'm sorry I cried" he says and I smile...he made all the bad go away and replaced it with love and happiness...."its ok I cried too....do you want to sleep at my dorm?" I ask and he nods and we start walking out of the classroom and to my dorm....I get to be with the love of my life...my sun in the sky....my world....I love him....

((The last part was cheesy. And I wrote this in 20-ish minutes so I'm sorry its short and please comment request or if any mistakes))

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