First Class

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Feeling love for someone was something that Mabel had never experienced. But it wasn't as if Mabel didn't want to feel it, she simply didn't know how. And now, at the age of 18, she desperately wanted to feel it. She wanted it so bad, that she began to seek it out. How? How does this feeling come about to happen? What could Mabel do to make the situation work in her favor? Who could she find to love with a true, romantic, and beautiful love?

College started that fall for Mabel. It was the first time she had ever been to college, having graduated high school only that year. Majoring in Art History was something that she had wanted for a long time, and finally being able to do it drew a lot of excitement from within. She basically walked on air to get to class the first day. Being a student who stayed in a dorm had initially made her very nervous though. She was scared of the idea of having to stay with a student who she didn't know. But after meeting her roommate, she banished all of those fears immediately. Her roommate, Rosie, was so kind. She was very soft-spoken and seemed to love plants, especially succulents. Mabel could relate to being soft-spoken, and the love of succulents wasn't a bad thing at all. Rosie could've been obsessed with something appalling. At least succulents caused no harm and were actually super cute.

After arriving at her first class, Mabel awkwardly sat in a random seat in the back of the room. The class was in a large, spacious room, with seats moving downwards towards the bottom, meeting the large whiteboard faced towards them. The professor hadn't seemed to arrive yet. The class itself was Mabel's introduction to art history. She was nervous, but also very prepared to soak in all of the information that would come her way! A boy that looked to be her age sat right next to her.
"Hey, mind if I sit here?" He said fairly loudly. Mabel's heart stopped at how loud he was, but also at how handsome he was. His hair was wavy and framed a face with very strong features. His eyes were dark and brown, and his straight nose was dotted with freckles. Mabel suddenly realized that she wanted this boy near her, no matter how loud he was.
"Sure! Of course." She said, trying to put on a confident front.
"You look scared of me, but I'll sit here anyway." He said with a smirk.
Scared? Did she look scared?
"I'm not scared of you." Mabel quietly murmured. But the boy didn't seem to hear, because just at that moment, the professor walked in, causing everyone in the class to quiet down.
He strode to the front and then whirled around giving Mabel a good look at him. The first thing she felt was intimidation. Normally, the stereotype is that history professors are chill, kind-hearted men, who would rather be playing fantasy football than teaching the class. But this man looked scary. And he looked like he wanted to look intimidating as well.
He was tall, probably at least 6"1. His legs were draped in straight gray pants, his hair was a mopped, curly mess on top of his head. His hair was also jet black. His face was featured with a very straight and nose, as well as eyebrows framing his intense eyes, which mirrored the intensity of his eyebrows as well. His face wore a smirk at that moment, and his face scanned the classroom of students. Mabel's heart beat faster than ever before. He was so scary.
"Most of you may not have heard of me, but by the looks on your faces, you can probably already sense the kind of teacher I will be." *gulp*
The teacher turned to the whiteboard to write his name with the jet black marker. It looked like he was writing away the classes' demise more than his name.
"Mr. Park Seo Joon." He read as he wrote his name in the most beautiful cursive ever.
"I want you all to remember my name so that you can write it on assignments that you turn into me." He stated. Then he pushed his glasses up his nose. His glasses were dark and thick. Just like his hair, Mabel mused.
"Art history may seem to be an easy pass to your first years. But with me as a teacher, it's not going to be an easy pass the way you want it to be."
Mabel could feel her eyes grow wide as they made quick eye contact with him. Mr. Park just turned away.
"I don't take any late assignments, and I will never give you extra credit of any sort. This is art history boot camp. If you can't take the strict rules and regulations I hold in class then you won't be able to take on any class in the future." His voice had a deep and stern tone to it. It made every sentence he spoke seem as if it was underlined and written in bold print. Lord, he was terrifying to Mabel. As he looked at all of the faces looking at him, he smiled.
"Good." He said. "It looks like I've made my point to you all very clearly."
The class itself was long and full of fast and furious note-taking. All of the students seemed to fit into the strict rules very well. The boy next to Mabel, whose name she learned was Noah, simply wrote in the most beautiful handwriting. He seemed to be a total whiz too, not pausing to take a hand break. Mabel had a hard time keeping up. Every time she looked up, more notes were scribbled on the whiteboard. By the time class was over, Mabel felt like she had just written a whole novel.
"By the time you come back next week, I want you to have read ahead and studied everything you have taken notes on. I will randomly pick students to answer questions as well, so I advise you to be prepared!" And with that, the class was dismissed. Noah picked up his stuff, winked at Mabel, and walked out of the classroom. She tried to scurry out of there as fast as she could too.
When Mabel reached the dorm, she opened the door to see Rosie stringing fairy lights along the ceiling. Rosie was very fairy like herself in appearance. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes, with a height of only 5 feet.
"Mabel! You're just in time. I can hardly reach the hook up there. Do you mind getting it for me?" Mabel wasn't tall herself, but she was at least 4 inches taller than Rosie.
"Sure! No problem." She said with a smile. Rosie stepped aside and let Mabel hook the fairy lights onto the curtain rod. In the meantime, Mabel took a look out of the window. Her heart hitched as she saw Mr. Park walking towards the dorm. What was a professor doing in the dorms?
"Hey Rosie, I'll be right back," Mabel said quickly. Mabel wished she had the ability to stamp out her curiosity, but it was difficult for a person like her to do.
"Ok. Thanks for helping with the lights!" Rosie chirped after a running Mabel. She ran as fast as she could down three flights of stairs. After finding Mr. Park grabbing a soda from a vending machine on the first floor, Mabel quickly hid behind a dark corner. She prayed Mr. Park wouldn't find her. Stepping back into the darkness so that none of her form was visible, her foot suddenly stumbled against a black trash can which she hadn't seen in the dark. Mabel's heartbeat quickened as Mr. Park's figure turned around. Her palms beaded in sweat, and she became fearful, realizing that escape at that moment was very impossible. Mabel decided to pose as someone trying to tie her shoe, so she bent over just as Mr. Park peered around the corner. Mabel could feel the darkness of his shadow descend across her at that moment.
"Student, why are you tying your shoe in the darkness? I thought you were an escaped raccoon or something, for God's sake, you can come and tie it in the light!"
Mabel stood up, feeling her face flush red. And there was Mr. Park, closer to her than she had ever wanted him to be. Standing up close to him made her realize that he had to be only around the age of thirty. His skin was bright and lively, although his eyes still held an intimidating gaze to them, they were kind as well, something that Mabel hadn't noticed before.
"I'm sorry," Mabel said quietly, "I didn't want to disturb you in any way. The vending machine room is very small after all."
Mr. Park, she suddenly realized, was very much checking her out. His eyes scanned her body, making her heartbeat quicken and her face grow red.
"Again, I'm sorry. I guess I'll be on my way!" She said, the volume of her voice much louder than before.
"Wait." Mr. Park said. "You're in my Art History class, aren't you?" Mabel wondered how he would even remember her, after only one day of class, not to mention the simplicity of her face.
"Oh, yes! I am. How did you remember me?" she questioned him.
He laughed in that moment. "I have a photographic memory. I even remember what I ate for breakfast a week ago." He said with a chuckle, which was preceded by a lingering smirk. He folded his arms and looked at Mabel intensely.
"What is your name?" He said in a low and quiet voice.
"Mabel." She stated simply.
"Well Mabel, it was great to meet you. I'll see you in class next week." He said with a smile. He seemed really nice outside of class. A little forward, but what else would she have expected from such a loud man?
After Mr. Park walked away, Mabel remembered the drink he was holding in his hand was an energy drink.
"I don't remember the main campus having any vending machines with energy drinks..." Mabel mused. She then realized with a laugh why Mr. Park was in the dorms.
"He must really like his energy drinks." She laughed, turning to look at the energy drink vending machine. She reasoned that that must've been the reason for his appearance at the dorms, and with a nod, she went back to her dorm room.

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