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Mabel ran into her dorm in tears. She couldn't help it, the pure guilt she felt was rushing through her in torrents. How could she do this to her beloved Mr. Park? Why did she expect anything else from Noah as well? That was ridiculous. He liked her, she had sensed it. Yet she had still gone with him, played his little game, and kissed him. In fact, she had kissed both Mr. Park and Noah in the span of 24 hours, and she felt absolutely wretched. Who was she to throw herself around and play with men? Yeah, she hadn't instigated the kiss with Noah. But she was very naive for thinking things would be different with him. She hoped Mr. Park wouldn't find out, but at the same time she wanted him to find out. She wanted him to know how pathetic she was, how weak she was. Keeping that in mind as a human would be good for him, then he could decide whether he wanted to live with a weak girl as her.
Mr. Park took a very hot shower. A VERY hot shower. Washing his clean and clear face, he spritzed himself with his cologne and put on some silky pajamas. Jumping into his cushiony bed, he couldn't help but remember that Mabel had slept in it the night before.
He scoffed, she had wanted him to sleep with her? Pfft not a chance anymore. He was actually very grateful he hadn't caved in the night before. Who knew what that would mean for him if it had happened. It would've meant more connections to that playful girl. That's what she was: a player. She had played with his naivety, and it made him feel so pathetic. THE Mr. Park had actually fallen for that? He would learn his lesson from now on. Maybe he should kick Mabel out from the class. That would surely cause a reaction from her, maybe it would render one similar to his anger and disgust.
"Her "beloved" Seo Joon? Not a chance anymore, haha" he said to himself.
Monday, after the tumultuous weekend, had Mabel in Mr. Park's class again. It had taken a lot for her to even find the energy to attend. She would have to sit next to Noah, and face Mr. Park. She couldn't bear to see his or Noah's face at all. Noah wouldn't be as hard  as Mr. Park. She would just ignore them both, she reasoned. She would listen to teacher Mr. Park, but her Seo Joon she would ignore. She couldn't do it anymore, act like everything was alright.
The day before, neither of them had exchanged texts. Mabel out of shame, Mr. Park for whatever reason. She wondered if he somehow knew about the kiss, and was reacting as such.
When Mr. Park walked into the classroom, Mabel took a sharp intake of breath. He was a sight, more so than the first day. His skin was glowing, his outfit was tight around his chest, and his legs looked especially long. Noah had sat silent next to Mabel since he had come into the classroom. Good. Mabel had thought. Let's make it stay that way.
Turning to look at everyone, Mr. Park had all eyes on him.
"Today, I will be reading off a list of names. On this list are students who have not reached full requirements to stay in my class. It may be a sad day for some, as this means you have not been putting your best foot forward to retain the information being given to you. Oh well, maybe you will do so in another professor's class." Mabel's leg bounced up and down with nervous energy.
Had he found out about the kiss? Was he going to read her name off?
"Today there is only one name on this list, but I would like to give her the chance to explain herself to me, in private. So Mabel, would you come with me? The rest of you review your notes please. We'll be back in a bit."
Mabel felt her heart drop.
He had found out about the kiss, how? She didn't know.
Following far behind Mr. Park, Mabel's entire body felt numb. Numb to the reality she was in. He was going to kick her out of his class? For kissing a boy? What kind of ridiculous, pathetic, insens-
"Sit down right here please." He said pointing to a chair. The destination for her execution had been reached: Mr. Park's sterile, mono themed office. She felt like she was meeting with an interrogator after committing a murderous crime.
"Tha-thank you." She whispered.
Tears beaded in her eyes. Her arms were shaking. Looking at Mr. Park, his eyes were cold, but she could see them soften a bit as he saw the tears in her eyes.
"Do you know why you're here?" He asked.
"I do sir. It's because of my crimes." She nodded. Then she remembered it wasn't an actual interrogator. It was Mr. Park.
"Sorry, I meant my disgusting and horrendous actions. I kissed Noah, on accident really."
"On accident? Haha, I witnessed it. That action wasn't an accident."
"Oh but you're wrong there, he forced my head to face his lips, then he forced my head to meet his to... oh forget it. Nothing I say will convince you I guess."
Mr. Park looked at her, then groaned into his hands.
"Mabel, I feel played right now. I feel stupid! No one should ever make me feel that way!"
"Why do you feel played? Because the girl you liked accidentally kissed a boy her age?"
That had Mr. Park's veins seem to pop out of his head in frustration.
"Because you betrayed me!"
"You didn't even go to the restaurant with me! Why? You could come to witness us 'kiss', then why couldn't you come with me instead of me having to go with him?"
In frustration, Mr. Park slammed his hand on the desk.
"Because we were moving too fast!"
"So what, you can't come eat food with me? Is it THAT difficult to get over your pride and pathetic nature to eat food with the girl you love??"
"No! It's not because of pride, I thought it would be harmful of us to keep going out like we were!"
"Why, huh? Doesn't it seem more harmful that you didn't go?"
"No, because now I have a reason for kicking you out of my class."
Mabel coughed.
"You're kicking me out for reasons completely unrelated to the class? That's pathetic."
"You're a pointless distraction for me Mabel, I can't take it anymore."
Wiping away the tears streaming from her face, Mabel faced Mr. Park.
"So that's all I am? A pointless distraction? A player? Mr. Park, you are a pitiful human."
Mr. Park was speechless. No one had ever spoken to him like this. He was pitiful, pathetic, he was a moron.
"Before you leave, was his kiss good?" Mr. Park said, looking sad and expectantly at Mabel.
Scoffing, and standing up at the same time Mabel looked at him. Her jaw was clenched, her body was shaking.
"I didn't want to give you any pleasure. But I'll let you know that his kiss sucked. Why? Because it was F-O-R-C-E-D, FORCED! Oh but you don't care about that part do you? Goodbye Mr. Park. I'll enjoy this time away from you and this disturbing class."
Shoving her chair behind her, Mabel slammed the door of his office and walked out. How? How could he be so lacking in basic understanding? Mabel realized then and there that Mr. Park refused to ever be wrong. He was a very prideful man, and the moment he would ever realize his mistakes, she couldn't ever see that happening. Running to the school bathroom, Mabel looked in the mirror. She looked bad, with puffy eyes and swollen red lips. She looked awful, like she had a bad reaction to food or something. She knew it was the combination of anger and sadness she had experienced. But most of all, she felt disappointed. In herself, and Mr. Park. They had gotten themselves in a downright mess, and Mabel hoped it wouldn't always stay that way.
Because although they had both fought, she still, deep down in her heart, liked Mr. Park.

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