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Mabel felt refreshed. It had been a month since she had last been in contact with Mr. Park. She felt happier than ever, and her previous anxiety felt pointless. She wanted a fresh start, and she had received one.
Due to being kicked out of Mr. Park's class, she had been placed in a different professor's class. It was a breeze compared to her previous class, and for that she was thankful, but also sad because of the lack of challenge she would face. The class was an easy "A" for her. She wasn't sure if that was something to be relieved about, or concerned about. But nevertheless, she was satisfied.
It was halfway through the semester, and her college had arranged a "picnic potluck", as they called it. Every student had to bring something to eat, and the school named it as: "a chance to make new friends". Mabel didn't mind that, and actually felt the urge to make new friends, especially after what had happened with Noah.
Signing up to bring a fruit bowl, she did so the day of.
It was crowded. The potluck was held outside, and the large mass of people was intimidating to say the least. Everyone was milling about, talking to each other like old friends. Mabel realized that people didn't solely go there to meet new friends, but rather to hang out with their old friends. She felt awkward. Finding a place to put the fruit bowl, she found a picnic table to sit at. She was there all alone, until she heard someone yell her name. Turning to see who it was, she saw Jennie sitting at a table with her friends, the group she had hung out with before. Not seeing Noah there, she smiled and picked up her things to move next to them.
"Hey girl! We haven't seen you in awhile." Jennie said.
"Yeah, I guess we've been disconnected recently!" Mabel said, following that phrase with a light chuckle.
Jennie looked at Mabel with a look of sympathy.
"I heard about what happened with Noah, I'm so sorry about that. He can really be a dumb-ass sometimes."
Mabel laughed.
"It's alright, I guess things just happen. I haven't talked to him in awhile, I feel bad for shutting him out. I hope he's doing alright."
Jennie snickered.
"Don't worry about him. He's perfectly fine, he's the type to burn out his feelings very fast. It's like gasoline to a fire for him: there and gone."
Mabel nodded. She couldn't relate to that as much as she would've liked to say it. Her feelings for Mr. Park were, sadly, still there.
"I'll have to make up with Noah then, I feel bad for giving him the cold shoulder."
"Like I said Mabel, don't feel bad. On another note, I also heard Mr. Park kicked you out. You didn't fall for him, did you?"
Mabel looked down in guilt.
"It's a long story, maybe for another day." She said with a grin.
Jennie nodded. Mabel loved how understanding she was, she could seem to easily sense how someone felt, and that was relieving to Mabel.
"But on another note, how are you?" Mabel asked, realizing they had only been talking about her.
"Oh I'm alright. I'm passing my classes, which is very unlike me!"
"Is that so? Well congratulations then!" Mabel said.
"Thank you darling." Jennie said laughing.
Suddenly, Mabel heard a familiar voice. It was Mr. Park over the loud speaker.
He was hosting the event?
"Welcome, students, to the first potluck our school has ever hosted!" He said with a grin. How unlike him... Mabel thought. The students around her seemed to have a similar reaction.
"I know I know, it's weird to see the sinister Mr. Park hosting a social event like this. I'm doing it for you all. If there's something I realized in all of my years of teaching at a college, it is that humans need quality human interaction. I hope the atmosphere here is just right for you all to make some new friends, or to just chat with some old friends. Help yourself to the food. As you can see, there is plenty of it! Enjoy!" Turning off the mic, Mr. Park was met with a polite applause.
Mabel felt nervous by the fact that he was there. What had he meant when he said "quality human interaction"? Had Mr. Park changed that much?
"Whelp, that was weird." Jennie said. Mabel nodded in agreement.
Filing into line behind other students, Mabel was looking around to make sure she didn't accidentally bump into Mr. Park. Realizing he was a safe distance from her, Mabel observed him. He was laughing with a group of other professors. All of them seemed super close to him.
He must be more popular than I thought. Mabel mused. She had fallen for his charm after all, but it was interesting seeing him in his natural habit, and being kind in the meantime.
Suddenly, direct eye contact was made with him. Mabel turned away, only to look back to him still staring at her.
"Shit." She said quietly.
"What's that?" Jennie said.
"Mr. Park just saw me. It might be awkward if he comes to talk to me, I'm just warning you."
"Mabel don't worry about him. He's probably forgotten about you anyways, he's always kicked people out of his class. Plus, he's too cold hearted to..."
"Mabel, can I speak with you for a moment?" Mr. Park interrupted a shocked Jennie.
Mabel looked at him, her heart still had the same effect that it had a month ago.
And I thought I had changed... Mabel thought.
"Can I get food first please?" Mabel asked.
She realized suddenly that all eyes were on the two of them. She heard his "fan club" whispering jealously, and everyone else was just confused at Mr. Park's acknowledgment of her.
He nodded and said: "meet me in my office after the potluck."
Mabel nodded. And turned back to a shocked Jennie.
"Mabel, I think I know why he kicked you out now."
Mabel looked at her in confusion.
"Why, what do you think he did that for?"
She blushed.
"I think it's adorable Mabel. He has it bad for you!"
Mabel scoffed.
"What makes you think that."
Jennie hit Mabel's arm.
"He's literally staring at you so intensely right now. This is hilarious, you must've been too distracting for him, you beauty you!"
Mabel laughed.
"I think he's just downright mean if you ask me!"
Jennie nodded.
"It's stupid that he would kick you out. But in real news, are you interested or what?"
Mabel looked down to the ground. She could feel her cheeks flush red as she recapped all of the things they had already done: made out twice, slept in the same apartment, jumped into the same river, conversed for hours, eaten together, he even did her laundry.
"I do like him a bit, I can't deny it."
Jennie squealed.
"I ship it so much, you have no idea! This is so romantic: like something from a drama!"
Mabel laughed.
"It's not that exciting."
"Oh Mabel, if you keep at it with him, it'll be even better than a drama. You just wait!"

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