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Mabel settled into her plush chair at the restaurant. Across from her sat Noah, he was eating some strange looking concoction that she had not wanted to touch. But Noah, he seemed intrigued by the fact that the menu labeled the food as: "squirming seafood". So there his food sat, practically alive as tentacles were squirming to life on his plate. Noah slurped on a tentacle, getting juices on his luxury suit in the meantime.
"It's not terrible tasting actually." He said, giggling over Mabel's face of pure cringe and disgust.
"Does it continue to squirm in your stomach? That's my only question." She said to him.
Noah placed his hand over his stomach, an inquisitive expression on his face.
Then he shrugged.
"Doesn't feel so different to me!"
Mabel laughed and watched him continue to gobble up the moving tentacles.
She felt sad at the moment. She felt bad for hardly talking to Noah the whole dinner. The reason pained her: she couldn't help but compare his every action to Mr. Park. Noah wasn't a bad guy at all, in fact he could probably date any girl in the world if he wanted to. But he wasn't the guy for her. She wanted him purely as a friend for her, but it pained her to think of Mr. Park thinking differently, his misinterpretation of her text was bound to happen. The only thing she could do? Not think about it. So Mabel doubled down to finish her meat ravioli, trying to forget Mr. Park in the process.
Mr. Park sat in his car outside the restaurant, wondering desperately what was happening inside of the restaurant.
Was he trying to kiss her? Touch her? Any man could see that he fancied Mabel, a lot. It pained him to know that he had simply let her go like that. He should be clearer and more upfront in the future, rather than hiding behind a screen. He felt stupid.
This wasn't a version of himself that he was completely comfortable with yet, a version that desperately yearned for a girl who was eating with a different man, no, boy. He was too stupid to tell her the truth. He had decided thirty minutes before what he would plan on doing. He would wait for Mabel to leave the restaurant, and then ask her to eat with him, saying he had finished grading the homework he had been previously occupied with. He thought it sounded simple enough. Hopefully, she would believe him and want to be with him. Hopefully, she wasn't upset or angry with him. And most hopefully of all, she wouldn't have given that damned Noah a single ability to touch her precious body. Otherwise? Well, Noah or whatever would receive certain repercussions.
Walking outside the restaurant, Mabel reached the edge of the restaurant's sidewalk, and turned to Noah.
"Thank you for coming here with me. It means a lot, believe me!"
Noah chuckled.
"I should be the one thanking you. I actually have to tell you something Mabel, it's something that you may not take the way I want you to..."
Mabel knew what he was going to say. But she wanted to turn him down correctly.
"Sure, what do you want to say?"
He breathed out a shaky breath and looked at her.
"Mabel, you are an incredibly down to earth, humble, beautiful and hardworking girl. Since day one, I have had a crush on you, and it's continued every class we've had together. I hope you don't mind me asking if you can return the feelings I have for you..."
Mabel looked at him, and smiled.
"Noah, I think you are the same in my eyes, but I can't see us together like that. I see you as a great friend, and I hope we can continue to be good friends."
Noah nodded and looked at the ground.
"Can I kiss you though? Just a friendly kiss." Mabel looked at him with a bit of shock.
"Oh Noah, kisses are hardly friendly!"
"Well I'll just kiss you on the cheek, and that'll be the end of it for me! I'll never ask you to do anything for me ever again! I just have so many unreleased affections for you, and I think this kiss will be the cherry on top, like a finish line to my crush on you."
Mabel blushed a bit. She was scared to say no, what if Mr. Park found out though? He would be so crushed.
Mabel looked up at him and nodded.
"Sure. Just a kiss on the cheek." She decided then and there that she would make sure Mr. Park wouldn't find out.
Turning her cheek to him, Noah leaned forward, took her head in both of his hands, and turned her head towards him. Shocking Mabel, he placed a firm kiss on her lips.
Mabel jerked back, her heart beating in fear. She should've never said yes. She should've never gone to eat with him. Tears beaded in her eyes. Looking up at him, she said one thing.
"Screw off Noah."
Then she stalked away as fast as possible, to Noah yelling: "Mabel, it was just a kiss!"
Mr. Park's hands gripped on the steering wheel of his car. His veins bulging, his eyes shaking at the sight he dreaded to see.
Mabel and Noah, kissing.
He scoffed at the sight, anger seeping through him in waves.
How could she? Just like that, he turned his back on her for one evening, and she was already kissing another man. Mr. Park turned his car out of the parking lot, tires squealing, not wanting to see a second more of what he just witnessed.
He felt betrayed, depressed, jealous, angry, and a jumble of other emotions.
But most of all, he felt disappointed. He thought Mabel would be different. He thought she would be loyal, and that she would love him forever. He was embarrassed to say it, but he had already envisioned a full fledged future with her.
He would have to throw it away now. He would have to say goodbye to Mabel for good.

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