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Mr. Park couldn't stop once he started. His body wanted her so desperately, it began to act without any thought in between his actions. He knew this was so unlike him, and it shocked him to do what he was doing.
He leaned in, and smashed his lips to her pretty ones. His body pressed firmly against hers, he began to be afraid she would try to escape from him. His hands raked through her hair and smoothly moved down her clothed body, reaching the area where her breasts were visible. He moved his hands inward to touch them. He was touching her breasts? Yes, he drunkenly thought, he was. He heard Mabel groan as their lips clashed in a frenzy. That made him feels all the more wild. He tore at the top of her shirt, wanting to rip it more, more and more. That's all he wanted. He separated himself for a moment to look at her face. How was she reacting? Her cheeks were pink, her pretty lips flushed and swollen.
Mabel was so dazed as she stared at Mr. Park. She was trying to snap back to reality, but it was impossible. She was drowning in Mr. Park. His actions made her so aroused, she felt it was impossible to stop. So she didn't. She reached for his buttoned shirt and began to unbutton the buttons. Don't think. She thought. She saw Mr. Parks muscled chest breath heavily. She looked up at him, and saw his long dark hair hanging in front of his face, his eyes still looked dark as they stared into her eyes. She began to place her hands on his chest, tracing downwards ever so smoothly, watching as every touch made his breath grow heavier and ever more ragged. His heavily muscled body would concave with ever movement of her hands, until she reached the top of his pants. She wanted so badly to reach for them, to unbuckle his buckle, but she knew it wasn't the time. So instead, she grabbed the back of his head and pressed her lips to his. They moved slowly with their kissing, the glow of the alley's one light playing against their silhouettes, their shadows making anyone passing by gasp in either disgust, or from the beauty of their affections being displayed. Mabel and Mr. Park were probably the most unlikely couple, but the drunken energy was contagious and would make anyone want to act towards it. Mabel moaned into Mr. Park's mouth as he slowly bit her bottom lip. She smiled against his mouth. Her heart was fluttering in her chest. Then, they both heard footsteps in the alleyway. Gasping, Mabel collected herself.
"Mr. Park, someone's coming!"
Mr. Park didn't want to leave, but he could sense little Mabel's urgency. He buttoned his shirt, and then saw what a disaster Mabel was. Taking his jacket off, he wrapped her in it. She looked shocked, but he didn't care. He felt horrible in that moment. Had he really ripped her shirt?
"I'm so sorry, I'll buy you a new one I promise!" He said dreadfully sad of his actions.
Mabel smiled and placed a hand to his lips shushing him.
"Its alright, let's just get out of here, yeah?"
She pulled the jacket around herself trying to sober up. Then she took Mr. Park's hand, much to his surprise, and they ran out of the alley.
Mr. Park realized Mabel was alone with a group of drunken friends, so she would need a ride back to her dorm.
"I'll drive you back."
"No! You drank too much, you can't drive!"
He scowled. "It doesn't matter! I won't rest tonight until I'm sure that you're home safely."
Mabel laughed. Her laugh sounded like little bells to Mr. Park, and it made him want to smile and be happy.
"Alright, walk with me then!"
Mr. Park nodded and smiled at her. Thank God she was letting him do this.
The two of them had sobered up fairly quickly, and they had a certain warm afterglow that made every moment together feel 10x what it would normally feel like.
They passed under a tree through a park, Mabel heard a creek underneath a bridge they were walking over, although it was too dark to see it.
"Mr. Park, do you hear that? The water is talking." She knew what she said was silly, but she thought she was awfully clever in that moment. Aw, the beauty of being tipsy.
Mr. Park chuckled and stared at her. She was standing their watching the water below her. She wondered if her friends were looking for her, but realized she didn't care.
"Are you still drunk Mr. Park?" She asked.
He looked at her questioningly.
"Why do you ask?"
"Just curious." She said grinning at him.
Her grin made his breath hitch. He was growing more aroused with every second he was with her.
He began to realize what she was clothed in. His jacket was unzipped on her body, her shirt was completely torn at the front, her breasts basically spilling out of her bra. Her legs were clothed in shorts of a regular size, but it didn't matter to him. Everything about her was arousing.
"Mabel, I'm not drunk anymore, no." He said, realizing he should probably make her lose excitement. If he did anything in this moment, he knew he wouldn't be able to control himself. And that was what scared him.
She looked up at him. Then she stood on the rails of the bridge, still tipsy. Her body swayed, and then right before his eyes, Mabel tumbled down into the creek.
Mr. Park's eyes widened in fear as he sprung into action. He dove into the creek, which was surprisingly less of a creek and more of a deep river, and in the dark, Mabel was just under the surface of the water. Mr. Park grabbed her waist and yanked her with all of his energy to shore. He laid her on the River bank, and went into a frenzy after realizing she was unconscious.
"Mabel, you stupid girl! What were you thinking?!" He cried in fear. He began to perform CPR on her. After a few seconds, her eyes opened wide and she began to cough.
"I knew you would save me." She smiled as Mr. Park leaned back in relief.
He looked at her with a mixture of anger and caring.
"Did you fall in there on purpose?" He said, staring at her wet figure.
She nodded and laughed.
"I'm sorry. I did it because I had thought up some crazy fantasy in my head for what could happen between us. Anyways, you should probably take me to your apartment now. I need to change into clothes quickly, and I think you live closer to here than I do."
Mr. Park groaned.
"You planned this all out, didn't you?" He said. He tried to make his voice angry, but deep down inside, he felt very intrigued by Mabel. Were these really the crazy measures this girl would take?
She laughed and nodded quickly.
"I did pass out though, that was scary I have to say." She said in quiet wonder. Her lack of logic in the situation made Mr. Park want to hit his head against a wall. Maybe he just wasn't used to girls. He wasn't used to those measures girls would take. Girls had certainly liked him before, but none of them were like Mabel. In that moment, he felt it was only right to lean in and give her a hug. Mabel immediately reacted with a hug in return. Suddenly, she started crying.
"Why are you crying?" Mr. Park said, stroking her wet hair.
"I'm so stupid Mr. Park. I can't believe I made you do that, I'm so dumb. I could've gotten both of us hurt so badly!" Her cries quickly turned into sobs.
"Shhh, it's ok. I'm going to take you to my apartment, and you can go sleep there. Is that alright?" He said in the softest voice possible.
Mabel simply nodded in approval. Her sniffles were so cute to Mr. Park, but it pained him to see her sad. Fine, he had decided, he would let her go to his apartment. But in his mind, he made a resolution not to do anything to her. He was sure he would be able to keep his word.

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